This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------030906000702060201000203 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable (The following pre-advisory is also available in PDF format for download at: http://www.cybsec.com/vuln/CYBSEC-Security_Advisory_SAP_RFC_START_PROGRAM_RFC_Function_Multiple_Vulnerabilities.pdf ) CYBSEC S.A. www.cybsec.com Pre-Advisory Name: SAP RFC_START_PROGRAM RFC Function Multiple Vulnerabilities ================= Vulnerability Class: Buffer Overflow, Information Disclosure =================== Release Date: 2007-04-03 ============ Affected Applications: =====================. SAP RFC Library 6.40 . SAP RFC Library 7.00 Affected Platforms: ================== . AIX 32bit . AIX 64bit . HP-UX on IA64 64bit . HP-UX on PA-RISC 64bit . Linux on IA32 32bit . Linux on IA64 64bit . Linux on Power 64bit . Linux on x86_64 64bit . Linux on zSeries 64bit . Mac OS . OS/400 . OS/400 V5R2M0 . Reliant 32bit . Solaris on SPARC 32bit . Solaris on SPARC 64bit . Solaris on x64_64 64bit . TRU64 64bit . Windows Server on IA32 32bit . Windows Server on IA64 64bit . Windows Server on x64 64bit . z/OS 32bit Local / Remote: Remote ============== Severity: High ======== Author: Mariano Nu=F1ez Di Croce ====== Vendor Status: Confirmed. Updates Released. ============= Reference to Vulnerability Disclosure Policy: http://www.cybsec.com/vulnerability_policy.pdf ============================================ Product Overview: ================ "The RFC Library offers an interface to a SAP System. The RFC Library is the most commonly used and installed component of existing SAP Software. This interface provides the opportunity to call any RFC Function in a SAP System from an external application. Moreover, the RFC Library offers the possibility to write a RFC Server Program, which is accessible from any SAP System or external application. Most SAP Connectors use the RFC Library as communication platform to SAP Systems." RFC_START_PROGRAM RFC Function enables the execution of operating system programs on RFC-enabled components. This function is installed by default in every external RFC server. Vulnerability Description: ========================= It is possible to remotely obtain information about external RFC server configuration. Besides, a buffer overflow vulnerability in the processing of user input has been detected. Technical Details: ================= Technical details will be released three months after publication of this pre-advisory. This was agreed upon with SAP to allow their customers to upgrade affected software prior to technical knowledge been publicly available. Impact: ====== These vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to remotely obtain information about RFC server configuration and to remotely execute arbitrary commands over vulnerable external RFC servers. Solutions: ========= SAP has released patches to address these vulnerabilities. Affected customers should apply the patches immediately. More information can be found on SAP Notes 1004084 and 1003908. Vendor Response: =============== . 2006-11-21: Initial Vendor Contact. . 2006-12-01: Vendor Confirmed Vulnerability. . 2006-12-11: Vendor Releases Update for version 6.40. . 2006-12-11: Vendor Releases Update for version 7.00. . 2007-04-03: Pre-Advisory Public Disclosure. Special Thanks: ============== Thanks goes to Victor Montero and Gustavo Kunst. Contact Information: ===================For more information regarding the vulnerability feel free to contact the author at mnunezcybsec com. About CYBSEC S.A. Security Systems ----------------------------------- Since 1996 CYBSEC S.A. is devoted exclusively to provide professional services specialized in Computer Security. More than 150 clients around the globe validate our quality and professionalism. To keep objectivity, CYBSEC S.A. does not represent, neither sell, nor is associated with other software and/or hardware provider companies. Our services are strictly focused on Information Security, protecting our clients from emerging security threats, mantaining their IT deployments available, safe, and reliable. Beyond professional services, CYBSEC is continuosly researching new defense and attack techiniques and contributing with the security community with high quality information exchange. =09 For more information, please visit www.cybsec.com --------------030906000702060201000203 Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="signature.asc" LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQR1AgU0lHTkFUVVJFLS0tLS0KVmVyc2lvbjogR251UEcgdjEuNC42IChH TlUvTGludXgpCgppRDREQlFGR0U1NEp2V1Bld3ZtZHJTZ1JBanNVQUo0OGZRYkF5Zkx0RmJR NGF6SDVvSHNJQVNnYzV3Q1ZGRXo5CkNSYm1ZMXFlOXVVc0dBODQ4WE54S0E9PQo9ZGJkVwot LS0tLUVORCBQR1AgU0lHTkFUVVJFLS0tLS0KCg=--------------030906000702060201000203--