_____________________________________ | | | | | The New Valise E-mail Hack | | | | | | BY: XPh33rX | | | | | | KingdoM Of HacK | | | ..................................... Now this Is VERY simple... well first let me tell you how i came across this technigue on hacking valise. Well it all started I was sitting on the Hackerz Hideout webpage, and I came across a Valise e-mail account hack.. I tried it and it through some info in my Face about what the name of my ISP was and How it was a HACKER ALERT!.. but that didnt scare me any... I thought about it awhile and I thought and then thought some more... and I came up with.. nothing. so I went back to the valise websight and went onto my account and did a little veiwing of the resource with the pages source... and I finally found out this neat way to send anonymous mail through Valise: First you must remember: Valise security SUCKS second you need this URL: http://www.valise.com/cgibin/msgForm.cgi?&n= third: put a number, a 6 digit number, after the equal sign. The numbers go in increments of 17(in other words you add or minus the # 17 to get a valise account number). I suggest you start at about 385509 (thats Justin Melton's account) and just start minusing 17. (or add 17). well have fun... and dont get caught..Oh yeah and one more thing.. when your in a user account you can veiw (and edit) everything that is in there account.. A little Note: I finally broke their code on 11/15/1998. Justin Melton 385509 KingdoM of HacK© http://www.angelfire.com/ms/cpno1/ kingdomofhack@iname.com This document was written by: XPH33rX 11/17/1998 __________________________DISCLAIMER_____________________ | | | This text was written for informational | | purposes only. i do not promote the usage | | of this information. I Nor KingdoM of HacK | | Accept the responsabilities for what you | | Use This Information for. Have Nice day. | | | | DINC! | | | ......................................................... You may distribute this document as you please... but no editing or alteration of this document.