COMMAND viralator SYSTEMS AFFECTED viralator 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9pre1 PROBLEM Peter Conrad reported following on viralator, a perl-script to be used with the squid proxy, an apache webserver and some virus scanner software. Its purpose is to allow scanning of files downloaded through the proxy for viruses. The URL of the file being downloaded is passed as a parameter to the viralator CGI script. This URL is used in an insecure way to download the file using the \"wget\" utility. After that, the filename part of the URL is used in an insecure way to scan the file for a virus. Accordingly with Pekka Ahmavuo, the following url: http://foo/%22%3btouch%20foo%3b.zip will create a file \"foo\" in the proxy\'s cgi-bin directory. The filename written without url encoding is: \";touch foo;.zip. It is trivial to use any other command instead of \"touch foo\". SOLUTION No patch available yet.