COMMAND A DB4Web component allows files on the server to be downloaded SYSTEMS AFFECTED ? PROBLEM Stefan Bagdohn [stefan.bagdohn@guardeonic.com] [buggy@segmentationfault.de] says : A DB4Web (R) server accessed with a webbrowser usually requests local or remote databases to generate dynamic html pages. By requesting malicious URLs one can manipulate the server application to disclose files located on the server system. The browser will download them and (according to the mime-type) show them directly within the browser window. The db4web_c binary (on Unix/Linux systems) or db4web_c.exe binary (on MS Windows) is located within the cgi-bin (scripts) directory of the webserver on the DB4Web (R) system. This binary executes the database query and is accessibly by the clients webbrowser. Example: On MS Windows systems the URL to retrieve the boot.ini file would look like: http://db4web.server.system/scripts/db4web_c.exe/dbdirname/c%3A%5Cboot.ini On Linux/Unix servers the following URL will show /etc/hosts: http://db4web.server.system/cgi-bin/db4web_c/dbdirname//etc/hosts In the above examples db4web.server.system means the Name or IP address of the server, dbdirname ist the name of the local database directory and %3A%5C is the representation of :\ needed to access c:\boot.ini. One can also download files, cmd.exe for example, by requesting c%3A%5Cwinnt%5Csystem32%5Ccmd.exe SOLUTION The DB4Web team provided an update of their software and notified their customers about the problem. The patches can be found at: http://www.db4web.de/DB4Web/home/DB4Web/hotfix_e.html