Vulnerability webpage.cgi Affected webpage.cgi Description 'UkR-XblP' found following. The script allows several environment variables to be viewed by the attacker, who can gain useful information on the site, making further attacks more feasible. webpage.cgi dumps useful information (e.g. script location, HTTP root, version of Perl, server_admin, server_name, path) to the browser when the database file provided is incorrect. If site does not contain a file named ukr.htm, thus the following URL displays the environment dump (note: this url may not work as the vendor has applied the patch to the site. However, a similar url, when applied within the necessary modifications to an unprotected site would yield the desired result). Exploit: http://www.victim.org/cgi-bin/replicator/webpage.cgi/313373/ukr.htm Solution Nothing yet.