TUCoPS :: Web BBS :: etc :: bt1614.txt

Tritanium Bulletin Board - Read and write from/to internal (protected) Threads

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Virginity Security Advisory 2003-002

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             DATE : 2003-10-31 22:59 GMT

             TYPE : remote

VERSIONS AFFECTED : <== Tritanium Bulletin Board 1.2.3 (http://www.tritanium-scripts.com/)

           AUTHOR : Virginity

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I found a security bug in Tritanium Bulletin Board:

Normal Users can read the content of Threads to which they have no access rights!

(and can answer to it which may be a problem if the internal forum has the right to insert html code)

Author of the Software has been notified.

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http://[target].com/[path]/index.php?faction=reply&thread_id=[ID OF THE THREAD TO READ]&forum_id=[ID OF FORUM]&sid=[your sid]

Shows the window where The Attacker can answer to the topic and below that a window with the content of the thread!!!

The Attacker can easily read all protected Threads since the thread_id is counted for every forum newly so just put from 1 on upwards :-)

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Hey sorry this time i had no time for a solution :-)

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