ZH2003-14SA (security advisory): aspBoard XSS Vulnerability Published: 5 august 2003 Released: 5 august 2003 Name: aspBoard Affected Systems: 1.2 Issue: Remote attackers can inject XSS script Author: G00db0y@zone-h.org Vendor: http://www.freezingcold.com Description *********** Zone-h Security Team has discovered a flaw in aspBoard 1.2 (and older versions?). aspBoard is a "Message Board Component for ASP Internet Applications". Details ******* The posting procedure needs: Your Name, Your Email, Your URL, a subject and your message. It's possible to inject XSS script in the url variable. For example try this: Your Name: John Doe Your Email: johndoe@johndoe.com Your URL: <script>alert('Zone-h')</script> Subject: Hi Your Message: Zone-h Security Team Solution: ********* The vendor has been contacted and a patch is not yet produced Suggestions: ************ Filter the script G00db0y - www.zone-h.org admin Original advisory here: http://www.zone-h.org/en/advisories/read/id=2834/