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Snitz Forum 2000 XSS
XSS in Snitz Forum 2000

Sec-Tec Advisory - XSS in Snitz Forums 2000

The most up to date version of this advisory can always be found at:

Advisory creation date:	6th May 2004
Product:		Snitz Forums 2000
Tested version:		3.4.04 (older versions believed to be affected also)
Vulnerability:		XSS
Discoverd by:		Pete Foster - Sec-Tec Ltd (www.sec-tec.co.uk) 

Snitz Forums 2000 is an interactive discussion environment that allows
different people on the Internet or an Intranet to leave messages for each
other, and then reply.

When registering a new account the register.asp script fails to properly
sanitize the E-mail address (Email) field.  An attacker can enter specially
crafted strings into this field that can allow him to launch cross-site
scripting (XSS) attacks.  Successful exploitation of this could lead to the
theft of sensitive information, such as valid session details.

Affected object:

POC Exploit:
When registering a new account (or ammending an existing one), enter the
following as an email address:
p@p" onMouseOver="alert(document.cookie);

When a user then follows a link to send the attacker an email, the script
code is executed.

The Email field should be filtered to remove dangerous characters.

The vendor has given details that fixes the symptoms.

--- Vendor quote ---

On line #184 of pop_mail.asp:

Change this:  rs("M_EMAIL")

To this:  chkString(rs("M_EMAIL"),"display")

--- End vendor quote ---

Vendor fix details can also be found at:

Release timeline:
Vulnerability discovered:	April 29th 2004
Vendor notified:		May 6th 2004
Vendor response:		June 11th 2004
Public release:			June 16th 2004

If using this document, please link to:

The contents of this e-mail are confidential and are intended solely for
the use of the person to whom they are addressed.  If you are not the
intended recipient of this message please notify the sender and delete it
immediately, disclosure of its content to any other person is prohibited
and may be unlawful.  Sec-Tec does not accept any responsibility for
viruses and it is your responsibility to scan the e-mail and attachments.
Any liability arising from any third party acting on information contained
in this e-mail is hereby excluded.

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