COMMAND WWWBoard XSS SYSTEMS AFFECTED WWWBoard 2.0A2.1 and prior PROBLEM In "Grégory" Le Bras [gregory.lebras@security-corp.org] of Security Corporation, security advisory [SCSA-007] : http://www.security-corp.org/index.php?ink=4-15-1 http://www.security-corp.org/advisories/SCSA-007-FR.txt A Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability have been found in WWWBoard which allow attackers to inject script codes into the forum and use them on clients browser as if they were provided by the site. This Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability are found in the page for posting messages. An attacker can input specially crafted links and/or other malicious scripts. EXPLOIT ________________________________________________________________________ A vulnerability was discovered in the page for posting messages, at this adress : http://[target]/wwwboard/wwwboard.html#post The vulnerability is at the level of the interpretation of the "Message" field. Indeed, the insertion of a hostile code script in this field makes it possible to a malicious user to carry out this script on the navigator of the visitors. The hostile code could be : [script]alert("Cookie="+document.cookie)[/script] (open a window with the cookie of the visitor.) (replace [] by <>) SOLUTION None yet