TUCoPS :: Web BBS :: Frequently Exploited :: b06-3611.htm

XSS phpBB 2.0.21 in administration
XSS phpBB 2.0.21 in administration
XSS phpBB 2.0.21 in administration

phpBB 2.0.21 XSS in administration=0D
//-- By Blwood [renatrix@gmail.com]=0D 
//-- [ http://www.blwood.net ]=0D 
//-- =0D
Style Admin=0D
Management & Create a theme=0D
Lots of input are not properly "filtrate" like style_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, tr_color1_name (all the input in simple name)...=0D
We cand ofcourse inject html in this way : ">

Owned by Blwood :P

=0D but it's more interresting to inject javascript :) : =0D "> => style_name=0D "> => head_stylesheet, body_background, ...=0D When an admin will go in Style Administration he will be Owned. (inject in style_name)=0D When an admin will edit a them he will be Owned.=0D =0D =0D Group Administration=0D --------------------=0D =0D Management=0D =0D Input group_description is not correctly "filtrated" we can inject js like this : "> or ">=0D When an admin will go in Group administration he'll be owned. But what's more, the groups can be seen in groupcp.php =0D by every visitors.=0D An exploit could be : =0D ">=0D or=0D ">=0D =0D Ranks=0D -----=0D =0D Rank Administration=0D =0D Rank Title (input title) is not correctly filtrated, we can inject js like : ">=0D But what's interresting, if you give this rank to an user, the rank will appear in user's topics and the code will be executed when someone sees a topic :)=0D Now you can inject what you want but maximum 40 caracters...=0D =0D =0D =0D Smilies=0D -------=0D =0D Smiles Editing Utility=0D =0D Smiley Code : ">=0D =0D Configuration=0D -------------=0D =0D General Configuartion=0D =0D Inputs are not correctyle filtrated : Ex : allow_html_tags => ">=0D =0D =0D =0D [ Video ]=0D =0D http://www.blwood.net/advisory/phpbb2021xssadmin.rar=0D =0D =0D =0D =0D =0D =0D =0D =0D =0D =0D =0D

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