Microsoft Office Malformed Record Memory Corruption Vulnerability
By Sowhat of Nevis Labs
Microsoft Inc.
Microsoft Office 2000 Service Pack 3
Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 3
Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2
Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 SP3
Microsoft PowerPoint XP SP3
Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 SP1, SP2
Remote: YES
Exploitable: maybe ;)
CVE: CVE-2006-3864
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code in
the context of the logged in user. An array boundary condition may be
violated by a malicious Microsoft Office (DOC/PPT/XLS) file in order to redirect
execution into attacker-supplied data. Exploitation requires that the
attacker coerce or
persuade the victim to open a malicious Microsoft Office file.
The specific flaw lies with in the Office binary mso.dll.
There will be a memory corruption during the analysis of a malformed
Microsoft Office File.
Microsoft said "We have confirmed that the issue you reported to us is
Because there are too many boring MS OFFICE vulnerabilities released this year,
I am boring to write an technical advisory and I believe that nobody
is interested in that.
So I just post this advisory for record purpose only ;) Sorry.
No POC will be supplied
Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Office which is
set to address this issue. This can be downloaded from:
Vendor Response:
2006.07.14 Vendor notified via secure@microsoft.com
2006.07.15 Vendor responded
2006.10.10 Vendor released MS06-062 patch
2006.10.10 Advisory released
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Information:
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has assigned
the following names to these issues. These are candidates for
inclusion in the CVE list (http://cve.mitre.org), which standardizes
names for security problems.
Greetings to Becky, TY
1. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS06-062.mspx
2. http://secway.org/vuln.htm
3. http://secway.org/advisory/AD20061010.txt
"Life is like a bug, Do you know how to exploit it ?"