Vulnerability CourseInfo Affected Blackboard CourseInfo 4.0 Description James Megna found following. First of all, Blackboard CourseInfo 4.0 stores a local administrator username and password in clear text in the registry. Unless an administrator has hardened their registry against remote access by non-administrators, an attacker can connect to the server and obtain an administrator username and password without much fuss. The key is located here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Blackboard, Inc.\CourseInfo40 The first three values are: DB_ConnectString /*SQL Admin username and password, also clear text*/ DefaultPassword /*Password for specified admin account*/ DefaultUser /*Admin account name*/ It doesn't get much easier than that, eh? As part of the installation procedure, you are instructed to create a user and configure it as an administrator. The technician James spoke to on the phone stated that using a member server not participating in any domain was highly recommended, but the installation instructions do not state this. The Blackboard, Inc. has been contacted about this and has recommended the following solution: The default permissions do not restrict who has remote access to the registry. Only administrators should have remote access to the registry. The Registry Editor supports remote access to the Windows NT registry. To restrict network access to the registry: 1. Add the following key to the registry: Hive HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM Key \CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurePipeServers Value Name \winreg 2. Select winreg, click the Security menu, and then click Permissions. 3. Set the Administrators permission to Full Control, make sure no other users or groups are listed, then click OK. The security permissions (ACLs) set on this key define which users or groups can connect to the system for remote registry access. So the clear text password will stay. Anyway, that brings us to the winreg issue. James was a little confused -- he thought the security settings for this key were fixed several service packs ago. On the member server in question, here were the rights to the winreg key: BUILTIN\Account Unknown Special Access CREATOR OWNER Full Control Everyone Read SYSTEM Full Control [server name]\Administrators Full Control On all of the member servers which were moved straight from SP1 to SP5 (this one included), the key was insecure. On member servers that were stepped up SP1 -> SP3 -> SP5, the key was secure. On all domain controllers, the key was secure. Some DC's had been given SP3, and some had gone straight to 5. On just about every workstation reviewed, the winreg key was not secure. On a couple, the winreg key was missing entirely. Solution This does NOT affect clients using CourseInfo 4.0 on Unix or any client who has upgraded to Blackboard 5. The Blackboard product development team has developed a fix that will generate the level of security that our customers expect. The patch encrypts the information that Blackboard stores within the System Registry. You can have direct access to the download at http://company.blackboard.com/Support/files/Courseinfo4hotfix.exe