Vulnerability Conference Room Professional Affected Conference Room Professional-Developer Edititon Description Murat found following. This has been only tested on Windows NT 4.0 sp6a and Windows 2000 pro. Conference Room 1.8.1x or older versions are subject to a DoS attack when following commands are used. Make to connections to the irc server second being the clone of other. On second connection (clone) type "/ns buddy on". On first connection type "/ns buddy add <clone client nickname>". On clone type "/ns auth accept 1" and the services crashes. Since conference room saves databases at 15min intervals, everything done in this period will be deleted. Services cannot connect automatically to the server. Only a "/servstart" issued by an ircop or admin will return the services to normal functionality and connect to server. If your irc server using Conference Room 1.8.2x "/ns buddy on" can't run, cuz professional edt. can't support "buddy" command. Register it one channel, and type it commands "/ns set authorize chanlists on", "/cs aop <#ChannelName> add <NickName>", "/ns auth accept 1". and the services crashes. Since conference room saves databases at 15min intervals, everything done in this period will be deleted. Services cannot connect automatically to the server. Only a "/servstart" issued by an ircop or admin will return the services to normal functionality and connect to server. Solution This vulnerability does not work on Conference Room Enterprise Edition. This attack only seems to work on the WIN32 version of ConferenceRoom and is fixed in version 1.8.2 and later. It should also be noted that versions of ConferenceRoom prior to 1.8.1 are not vulnerable since these commands don't exist. Also, installations of ConferenceRoom that don't use the network services module aren't vulnerable. It is adviseed to all customers using releases of ConferenceRoom prior to 1.8.2a to upgrade to 1.8.2a for a variety of reasons. This upgrade is free to all customers and is available for download from http://www.webmaster.com/update.shtml