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MS Word - password protection vulnerabilty
UPDATED: MS Word - password protection vulnerabilty

Hi ...

There are several vulnerabilities published/discussed regarding MS Word &
MS Office in general, however, 'tis is the most "no brainer" I've
discovered ...

Password protected document that has "tracked changes, comments or forms"
password protected

MS Word (Win2K/XP)

Example 1
1) Open MS Word with a new/blank page
2) Now select "Insert" >> "File" & browse for your password protected doc &
select "Insert" & "Insert" into your new/blank doc
3) Now select Tools >> & Whey hey, voila, there's no longer an "Unprotect
document" ... password vanished ...

Example 2
1) Open your password protected doc in MS Word i.e. you can't edit
protected fields (apparently)
2) Save as a Rich Text Format (RTF) & keep this RTF file open in MS Word
(YES, keep open)
3) Whilst your new RTF file is open in MS Word, go "File Open" & find your
newly saved RTF file & open (YES, you DO need to do 'tis even though you
already have it open)
4) If prompted to revert say YES, if not prompted stay calm.  Now in your
MS Word menu go & "Unprotect Document", amazingly, voila, you don't get
prompted for a password

Change password if ya like & or save in whatever format if ya like ...

L0phtphrack :-/

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