COMMAND MySQL local buffer overflow via .ini file SYSTEMS AFFECTED mySQL Database v3.23.49-nt PROBLEM In Matt Moore [matt@westpoint.ltd.uk] advisory [ID#:wp-02-0003] : MySQL reads a configuration file,'my.ini' from from either c:\my.ini or c:\WINNT\my.ini . The default ACL's for c:\my.ini allow the 'Everyone' group Full Control.The ACL's for c:\winnt are slightly more restrictive, but do allow members of the 'Power Users' NT Group write access. By supplying an overly long string for the 'datadir' parameter in my.ini, it is possible to overflow a buffer in mysqld-nt.exe, overwriting EIP, and hence executing arbitrary code in the context of the SYSTEM account. E.g. Change the entry for 'datadir' from: datadir=C:/mysql/data to: datadir=C:/AAAAAA...AAAA and restart the mySQl service or reboot the machine. SOLUTION Fixed in the 3.23.50 release of MySQL and MySQL 4.0.2 This advisory is available online at: http://www.westpoint.ltd.uk/advisories/wp-02-0003.txt