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PNG Deflate Heap Corruption Vulnerability via pngfilt.dll
13th Dec 2002 [SBWID-5874]

	PNG Deflate Heap Corruption Vulnerability via pngfilt.dll


	Marc Maiffret says :
	We have specifically tested the  following  software  and  verified  the
	potential for exploitation:
	Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01
	Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5
	Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
	Note: We have also successfully exploited this vulnerability via the  IE
	web control for Microsoft Outlook.
	For the purpose of completeness we  have  included  a  listing  of  each
	product that ships with the vulnerable  pngfilt.dll  version  6.0.2600.0
	and prior. We obtained this list from Microsoft’s DLL Help Database:
	Access 2000 SR1
	BackOffice 4.5
	Commerce Server 2000
	DirectX 6.0 SDK
	DirectX 6.0 SDK
	Internet Explorer 4.0
	Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1
	Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1
	Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2
	Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2
	Internet Explorer 5.0
	Internet Explorer 5.01
	Internet Explorer 5.5
	Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 2
	Internet Explorer 6.0
	Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002) Enterprise Architect
	Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002) Enterprise Architect
	Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002) Enterprise Developer
	Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002) Professional
	Office 2000 Developer
	Office 2000 SR1
	Office 2000 SR1
	Office XP Professional
	Project 2002 Professional
	Publisher 98
	Publisher 98
	SNA Server 4.0 SP2
	SNA Server 4.0 SP2
	SNA Server 4.0 SP3
	SNA Server 4.0 SP3
	SQL Server 7.0
	SQL Server 7.0
	SharePoint Portal Server
	Small Business Server 2000
	Small Business Server 2000
	Visio 2002 Professional
	Visio 2002 Standard
	Visual Basic .NET Standard 2002
	Visual C# .NET Standard 2002
	Visual C++ .NET Standard 2002
	Visual FoxPro 7.0
	Visual Studio 6.0
	Visual Studio 6.0
	Visual Studio 6.0 SP4
	Visual Studio 6.0 SP5
	Windows 2000 Datacenter Server
	Windows 2000 Professional
	Windows 2000 Server
	Windows 95 OSR 2.5
	Windows 95 OSR 2.5
	Windows 98
	Windows 98 Second Edition
	Windows Millenium Edition
	Windows NT 4.0 SP5
	Windows NT 4.0 SP5
	Windows XP Home 2002
	Windows XP Professional 2002


	Twas the night before Christmas, and deep in IE
	A creature was stirring, a vulnerability
	MS02-066 was posted on the website with care
	In hopes that Team eEye would not see it there
	But the engineers weren't nestled all snug in their beds,
	No, PNG images danced in their heads
	And Riley at his computer, with Drew's and my backing
	Had just settled down for a little PNG cracking
	When rendering an image, we saw IE shatter
	And with just a glance we knew what was the matter
	Away into SoftICE we flew in a flash
	Tore open the core dumps, and threw RFC 1951 in the trash
	The bug in the thick of the poorly-written code
	Caused an AV exception when the image tried to load
	Then what in our wondering eyes should we see
	But our data overwriting all of heap memory
	With heap management structures all hijacked so quick
	We knew in a moment we could exploit this $#!%
	More rapid than eagles our malicious pic came --
	The hardest part of this exploit was choosing its name
	Derek Soeder
	Software Engineer
	eEye Digital Security
	During a review  of  the  PNG  image  format  implemented  in  Microsoft
	Windows, two separate vulnerabilities were  discovered  related  to  the
	interpretation of PNG image data. The  first  vulnerability  deals  with
	the  handling  of  the  IDAT  header  and  does  not  appear  to  be  of
	significant threat level. The second vulnerability can be  exploited  to
	execute code when  the  malicious  PNG  image  is  viewed.  Due  to  the
	complexity of each of these vulnerabilities  we  have  decided  only  to
	describe the latter in detail.
	 General Description:
	A heap corruption vulnerability exists  due  to  the  way  the  function
	inflate_fast(),  within  pngfilt.dll,  handles  certain   invalid   data
	present in “deflate” data  input  streams  in  a  PNG  image  file.  The
	“deflate”  compression  specification  allows  for  the  repetition   of
	patterns that occur in the decompressed data. This  is  accomplished  by
	specifying a pair of special codes that tell the  decompression  routine
	how  far  back  into  the  decompressed  stream  the  pattern   occurred
	(distance code), and the length  of  the  pattern  to  repeat  in  bytes
	(length code). The  inflate_fast()  routine  does  not  properly  handle
	length codes marked in the specification as invalid, and as a result,  a
	pattern can be replicated over a large portion of the heap,  allowing  a
	skilled  attacker  to  redirect  the  execution  of  a  thread  into   a
	“deflated”  payload  embedded  in  the  deflate  datastream  within  the
	malicious PNG image.
	 Technical Description:
	The heap overflow described above occurs  in  the  interpretation  of  a
	compressed block that uses fixed  Huffman  codes  (BTYPE  =  1).  Length
	codes  #286  and  #287,  while  labeled  as  invalid   in   the   formal
	specification (RFC 1951), are not discarded by  the  inflation  routine,
	and are instead treated as zero-length codes. However, due  to  the  way
	the inflation routine is designed (see below),  the  length  counter  is
	decremented prior to being  evaluated,  and  an  integer  overflow  will
	occur. As a result, the loop will  attempt  to  repeat  the  pattern  we
	specify over all 4GB (0xFFFFFFFF) of virtual address space, filling  our
	32KB output buffer and proceeding  to  overwrite  process  memory  until
	finally reaching an invalid page in memory and producing a fault.
	The problem code is presented below in assembly, and C pseudo code.
	        Pattern-repetition loop in PNGFILT.DLL. version 5.0.2920.0:
	        69198FAF   mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
	        69198FB2   mov         cl,byte ptr [ecx]
	        69198FB4   mov         byte ptr [edi],cl
	        69198FB6   inc         edi
	        69198FB7   inc         dword ptr [ebp+8]
	        69198FBA   dec         dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
	        69198FBD   jne         69198FAF
	        Pseudo-code representation of previous assembly:
	                *dest = *src;
	        while (--len);
	After the process  heap  following  the  32kb  output  buffer  has  been
	overwritten, numerous  threads  running  within  the  Internet  Explorer
	process attempt to free heap blocks whose memory  management  structures
	have  been  overwritten.  By  supplying  a  carefully   crafted   memory
	management header, we can alter any 32-bit  address  to  which  we  have
	write access in Internet Explorer’s virtual address space.
	For the  sake  of  demonstration,  we  will  hijack  the  hook  for  the
	unhandled exception filter, overwriting the pointer to the handler  with
	the address of a “CALL DWORD  PTR  [ESI+0x4C]”  instruction  present  in
	MSHTML.DLL. We  explain  the  purpose  of  this  particular  instruction
	One of the threads that attempts to free a  heap  block  with  a  memory
	management structure we now control, will cause the unhandled  exception
	filter hook to be overwritten and will then cause  an  exception  to  be
	thrown by accessing an invalid address. This exception is thrown due  to
	the following code sequence within RtlAllocateHeap() in NTDLL.DLL:
	        77FCB3F5   mov     [ecx], eax
	        77FCB3F7   mov     [eax+4], ecx
	During this operation the eax register is  set  to  the  address  within
	MSHTML.DLL where our  “call  dword  ptr  [esi+0x4c]”  resides.  The  ecx
	register is set to the address of the unhandled exception filter hook.
	After the first operation overwrites  our  exception  filter  hook,  the
	second operation will generate an exception when it  attempts  to  “mov”
	our exception handler address four bytes after the address we  specified
	in the “.text” section of MSHTML.DLL. An exception is generated  due  to
	the fact that code sections, or  “.text”  sections  are  loaded  into  a
	process with read-only permissions.
	The exception created by  this  operation  is  unhandled.  The  faulting
	thread will then attempt to call the unhandled exception  filter.  Since
	the address of this function has been changed, execution  will  redirect
	to the “call dword ptr [esi+0x4c]”.
	When an unhandled exception occurs, the unhandled  exception  filter  is
	execut ed and receives, as an argument, an exception record.  The  “call
	dword ptr [esi+0x4c]” will redirect execution  to  an  address  supplied
	within the exception record. The data at this address  is  part  of  our
	decompressed stream.
	The repeated  pattern  in  our  decompressed  stream  contains  the  two
	addresses used to overwrite the unhandled exception filter  hook,  along
	with a padding instructions and an unconditional “jmp” that will  direct
	execution up what is essentially a jump  chain  formed  by  the  pattern
	repetition, into the  beginning  of  our  deflated  datastream  and  the
	deflated payload of choice.
	During tests in our lab we noticed  that  under  certain  circumstances,
	race  conditions  occur  that  make  exploitation  very  difficult.   We
	developed intermediate solutions to these by reconstructing  objects  in
	heap so that the conflicting threads would continue long enough for  our
	target thread to be exploited.


	 Mitigating Factors:
	It should be noted that due to memory management system behavior  across
	various Windows operating system environments, exploitation  may  become
	extremely difficult and in some cases unreliable.
	Retina® Network Security Scanner has been  updated  to  check  for  this
	Vendor Status:
	Microsoft was contacted in August 2002. Internet Explorer  Service  Pack
	1 eliminates this vulnerability. Internet Explorer Service  Pack  1  can
	be retrieved using the following URL:
	Microsoft has released a security bulletin for this flaw. It is  located
	Drew Copley, Research Engineer, eEye Digital Security
	Derek Soeder, Software Engineer, eEye Digital Security
	Riley Hassell, Research Engineer, eEye Digital Security
	Hacktivismo!, Paul L. S. at UTD, JBNZ, and Kasia
	Copyright (c) 1998-2002 eEye Digital Security
	Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
	electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of
	eEye. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
	other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail alert@eEye.com for
	The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this
	information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are
	NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author
	be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with
	the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the
	user's own risk.
	Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:
	eEye Digital Security

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