---------------------------------------------------------------------- SNS Advisory No.65 Windows 2000 ShellExecute() API Let Applications to Cause Buffer Overflow Problem first discovered: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 Published: Thu, 03 Jul 2003 Reference: http://www.lac.co.jp/security/intelligence/SNSAdvisory/65.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview: --------- A buffer overflow vulnerability exists in the Windows 2000 API ShellExecute() function. Problem Description: ------------------- Windows API ShellExecute() is a function to run an application associated with a specified file extension. The problem is triggered when the pointer to an unusually long string is set to the 3rd argument of the Windows 2000 API Shell Execute() API function. It has been confirmed that several applications containing web browser, MUA and text editor are vulnerable to this problem. Tested Version: --------------- SHELL32.DLL (Version 5.0.3502.6144) Solution: --------- This problem can be rectified by installing Windows 2000 Service Pack 4. http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/downloads/servicepacks/sp4/default.asp Microsoft is considering public presentation of the further information about this problem. Discovered by: -------------- Yuu Arai y.arai@lac.co.jp Hisayuki Shinmachi Acknowledgements: ----------------- Thanks to: RimArts, Inc. Tomohiro Norimatsu Security Response Team of Microsoft Asia Limited Disclaimer: ----------- The information contained in this advisory may be revised without prior notice and is provided as it is. Users shall take their own risk when taking any actions following reading this advisory. LAC Co., Ltd. shall take no responsibility for any problems, loss or damage caused by, or by the use of information provided here. This advisory can be found at the following URL: http://www.lac.co.jp/security/intelligence/SNSAdvisory/65.html ------------------------------------------------------------------ Secure Net Service(SNS) Security Advisory <snsadv@lac.co.jp> Computer Security Laboratory, LAC http://www.lac.co.jp/security/