Attachment file types blocked by MS Office XP Outlook There are two levels of attachment security. Access to level 1 files is blocked and can't be changed. When you receive an attachment with a level 2 file type, you will be prompted to save the file to your hard disk. If you use Microsoft Exchange Server, your administrator can add and remove file types for both levels of e-mail security. If a file type is added to both levels, it will be treated as a level 1 file type. Level 1: File extension File type .ade Microsoft Access project extension .adp Microsoft Access project .bas Microsoft Visual Basic class module .bat Batch file .chm Compiled HTML Help file .cmd Microsoft Windows NT Command Script .com Microsoft MS-DOS program .cpl Control Panel extension .crt Security certificate .exe Program .hlp Help file .hta HTML program .inf Setup Information .ins Internet Naming Service .isp Internet Communication settings .js JScript file .jse Jscript Encoded Script file .lnk Shortcut .mda Microsoft Access add-in program .mdb Microsoft Access program .mde Microsoft Access MDE database .mdz Microsoft Access wizard program .msc Microsoft Common Console Document .msi Microsoft Windows Installer package .msp Windows Installer patch .mst Visual Test source files .pcd Photo CD image or Microsoft Visual Test compiled script .pif Shortcut to MS-DOS program .reg Registration entries .scr Screen saver .sct Windows Script Component .shs Shell Scrap Object .url Internet shortcut .vb VBScript file .vbe VBScript Encoded Script file .vbs VBScript file .wsc Windows Script Component .wsf Windows Script file .wsh Windows Script Host Settings file Level 2 File extension File type .none