COMMAND File-lock handling SYSTEMS AFFECTED Win NT 4 Win 2000 Possibly others PROBLEM 3APA3A discusses about file locks using Microsofts OSes, leading to local DoS - as published on BugTraq : Background: =========== Application can lock the file after file description is open by application (or in open() call itself). Usually there are 2 modes for locking - SHARED and EXCLUSIVE locks. Only one application can put EXCLUSIVE lock on file. If file is locked exclusively no lock can be put on file by another process (we will not consider a case of parent/child processes). The main problem of file locking is this mechanism (at least on tested systems) doesn\'t check any file permission or the mode the file is open before locking. It makes it possible for application with read-only access to the file to lock it exclusively. The way file locks interfere with file access depends on OS. There are 2 possible situations: moderate and non-moderate file locks. *BSD and linux use non-moderate locking, while Windows NT locking is moderate. What does it mean? Under Unix file locking is only checked then another application tries to lock the file. If application doesn\'t use file locking it will not be affected by file locking. Under Windows things are different. If one application exclusively locks the file another application can\'t access this file even if it doesn\'t tries to lock the file. It should be treated as a design flow, because insecure in nature mechanism of file locking interacts with secure mechanism of file access. Resume: ======= Security aware application should correctly process the situation of locked file. Application should not rely on ability to lock (or in case of Windows on ability to access) publicly readable files. Problem: ======== Many security-critical mechanism under Windows (I am not aware about Unix ones, but it doesn\'t mean that only Windows is affected) can be DoS\'ed by file locking. Details: ======== For unprivileged user 1. It\'s possible to stop security policies and logon scripts by locking policy files on domain controllers 2. It\'s possible to lock screensaver file to prevent workstation to be locked by another user 3. It\'s possible to deny access to administrative utilities and/or batch jobs from running by administrator or system 4. It\'s possible to deny another user\'s logon in many ways 5. It\'s possible to deny access to shared programs, documents, etc... ... Testing: ======== You can use attached locktest.c (for compiled version see http://www.security.nnov.ru/files/locktest.exe) to test file locking issues under Windows. Try locktest.exe READ NONE (be careful - during WRITE test locktest damages the file, test it only on specially created files) ------------DE1D2273D90DA90 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"locktest.c\" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"locktest.c\" LyoNCiAgICBsb2NrdGVzdC5jIC0gZmlsZSBsb2NraW5nIHRlc3QgdXRpbGl0eSBmb3IgV2luZG93 cw0KICAgIChjKSAzQVBBM0EgPDNBUEEzQUBzZWN1cml0eS5ubm92LnJ1Pg0KDQoqLw0KDQojaW5j bHVkZSA8Y29uaW8uaD4NCiNpbmNsdWRlIDxzdGRpby5oPg0KI2luY2x1ZGUgPHdpbmRvd3MuaD4N CiNpbmNsdWRlIDxzdHJpbmcuaD4NCiNpbmNsdWRlIDxwcm9jZXNzLmg+DQpjaGFyKiBwcm9nbmFt ZTsNCnZvaWQgdXNhZ2Uodm9pZCl7DQogIHByaW50ZigiVXNhZ2U6XG4gJXMgYWNjZXNzbW9kZSBz aGFyZW1vZGUgZmlsZW5hbWVcbiBXaGVyZSBhY2Nlc3Ntb2RlIGlzIG9uZSBvZiBSRUFELCBXUklU RSwgUkVBRFdSSVRFLCBOT05FXG4gc2hhcmVtb2RlIGlzIG9uZSBvZiBSRUFELCBXUklURSwgUkVB RFdSSVRFIGFuZCBOT05FXG4iLCBwcm9nbmFtZSk7DQogIGV4aXQoLTEpOw0KfQ0Kdm9pZCBzaG93 cmVzdWx0KHZvaWQpew0KICBjaGFyIGJ1ZmZlclsyNTZdOyANCiAgRFdPUkQgbj1HZXRMYXN0RXJy b3IoKTsNCiAgaWYoIW4pcHJpbnRmKCJQQVNTRURcbiIpOw0KICBlbHNlIHsNCiAgICBwcmludGYo IkZBSUxFRDolZFxuIiwoaW50KW4pOw0KICAgIEZvcm1hdE1lc3NhZ2UoRk9STUFUX01FU1NBR0Vf RlJPTV9TWVNURU0sIDAsIG4sIDAsIGJ1ZmZlciwgMjU2LCAwKTsNCiAgICBDaGFyVG9PZW0oYnVm ZmVyLGJ1ZmZlcik7DQogICAgcHJpbnRmKCJTeXN0ZW0gZXJyb3IgdGV4dDogJXNcbiIsIGJ1ZmZl cik7DQogIH0NCiAgU2V0TGFzdEVycm9yKDApOw0KfQ0KDQoNCg0KaW50IG1haW4gKGludCBhcmdj LCBjaGFyICogYXJndltdKXsNCiAgRFdPUkQgYWNjZXNzbW9kZSwgc2hhcmVtb2RlOw0KICBIQU5E TEUgZmlsZTsNCiAgY2hhciBidWZmZXJbNjRdOw0KICBEV09SRCBuYnl0ZXM7DQogIHByb2duYW1l PWFyZ3ZbMF07DQogIGlmKGFyZ2MhPTQpdXNhZ2UoKTsNCiAgaWYoIXN0cmNtcChhcmd2WzFdLCAi UkVBRCIpKWFjY2Vzc21vZGU9R0VORVJJQ19SRUFEOw0KICBlbHNlIGlmKCFzdHJjbXAoYXJndlsx XSwgIldSSVRFIikpYWNjZXNzbW9kZT1HRU5FUklDX1dSSVRFOw0KICBlbHNlIGlmKCFzdHJjbXAo YXJndlsxXSwgIlJFQURXUklURSIpKWFjY2Vzc21vZGU9R0VORVJJQ19XUklURXxHRU5FUklDX1JF QUQ7DQogIGVsc2UgaWYoIXN0cmNtcChhcmd2WzFdLCAiTk9ORSIpKWFjY2Vzc21vZGU9MDsNCiAg ZWxzZSB7cHJpbnRmKCIhYWNjZXNzbW9kZVxuIik7dXNhZ2UoKTt9DQogIGlmKCFzdHJjbXAoYXJn dlsyXSwgIlJFQUQiKSlzaGFyZW1vZGU9RklMRV9TSEFSRV9SRUFEOw0KICBlbHNlIGlmKCFzdHJj bXAoYXJndlsyXSwgIldSSVRFIikpc2hhcmVtb2RlPUZJTEVfU0hBUkVfV1JJVEU7DQogIGVsc2Ug aWYoIXN0cmNtcChhcmd2WzJdLCAiTk9ORSIpKXNoYXJlbW9kZT0wOw0KICBlbHNlIGlmKCFzdHJj bXAoYXJndlsyXSwgIlJFQURXUklURSIpKXNoYXJlbW9kZT1HRU5FUklDX1dSSVRFfEdFTkVSSUNf UkVBRDsNCiAgZWxzZSB1c2FnZSgpOw0KICBwcmludGYoIk9wZW5pbmluZyAlcyBmb3IgJXMgd2l0 aCAlcyBzaGFyZS4uLiIsIGFyZ3ZbM10sIGFyZ3ZbMV0sIGFyZ3ZbMl0pOw0KICBmaWxlPUNyZWF0 ZUZpbGUoYXJndlszXSwgYWNjZXNzbW9kZSwgc2hhcmVtb2RlLCAwLCBPUEVOX0VYSVNUSU5HLCBG SUxFX0FUVFJJQlVURV9OT1JNQUwsIDApOw0KICBzaG93cmVzdWx0KCk7DQogIGlmKGZpbGUhPUlO VkFMSURfSEFORExFX1ZBTFVFKXsNCiAgICBpZihhY2Nlc3Ntb2RlJkdFTkVSSUNfUkVBRCl7DQog ICAgICBwcmludGYoIlRlc3RpbmcgZm9yIHJlYWRpbmcuLi4iKTsNCiAgICAgIFJlYWRGaWxlKGZp bGUsIGJ1ZmZlciwgMTYsICZuYnl0ZXMsIDApOw0KICAgICAgYnVmZmVyW25ieXRlc109MDsNCiAg ICAgIHNob3dyZXN1bHQoKTsNCiAgICAgIHByaW50ZigiUmVkICVkIG9mIG1heCAxNiBieXRlczol c1xuIiwgKGludCluYnl0ZXMsIGJ1ZmZlcik7DQogICAgfQ0KICAgIGlmKGFjY2Vzc21vZGUmR0VO RVJJQ19XUklURSl7DQogICAgICBwcmludGYoIlRlc3RpbmcgZm9yIHdyaXRpbmcuLi4iKTsNCiAg ICAgIFdyaXRlRmlsZShmaWxlLCAiMDEyMzQ1Njc4OWFiY2RlZiIsIDE2LCAmbmJ5dGVzLCAwKTsN CiAgICAgIGJ1ZmZlcltuYnl0ZXNdPTA7DQogICAgICBzaG93cmVzdWx0KCk7DQogICAgICBwcmlu dGYoIldyaXR0ZW4gJWQgb2YgMTYgYnl0ZXNcbiIsIChpbnQpbmJ5dGVzKTsNCiAgICB9DQogICAg cHJpbnRmKCJQcmVzcyBhbnkga2V5Li4uXG4iKTsNCiAgICBnZXRjaCgpOw0KICAgIHByaW50Zigi Q2xvc2luZyBmaWxlLi4uIik7DQogICAgQ2xvc2VIYW5kbGUoZmlsZSk7DQogICAgc2hvd3Jlc3Vs dCgpOw0KICB9DQogIGVsc2UgcHJpbnRmKCJJbnZhbGlkIGZpbGUgaGFuZGxlIik7DQogIHJldHVy biAwOw0KfQ0KDQoNCg0KIA0K ------------DE1D2273D90DA90-- SOLUTION -=-=- \"Microsoft Security Response Center\" -=-=- Wanted to get together and let you know what we\'ve found out and the plan moving forward. You\'re right that it\'s possible for someone to block group policy by locking a file. We\'ve considered quite a few different options for preventing someone from putting a lock on the file, but so far all of them would require fairly massive changes to the system architecture, and we\'re very leery of making such drastic changes via a patch. I\'d like to propose a different solution, and see what your reaction would be. We currently have an auditing event that occurs when group policy fails to be applied for any reason. The description of the error isn\'t as clear as it could be, and we\'d propose making the error message much more descriptive and useful to the administrator. Also, we\'d propose that anytime group policy can\'t be applied, a pop-up would appear on the client machine, describing the problem and instructing the user to contact the system administrator. Clearly, if an attacker saw the error message, he wouldn\'t call the administrator -- but one of the other users on the system would. The administrator could then check the error log, find out who had locked the file, and take appropriate action against them. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-