ASCIICHALKING this from Wolf, rendered in ascii, but some good ideas for inclusion by someone with a graphics package! "Hello again, I don't have drawing tools, so here goes, using good ole text (done on my iBook using Mail) The "arrows" '>' indicate directionality (my understanding of the term being moving an antenna to get a better signal). Sorry for the multiple messages, but I'm suffering insomnia, and I'm quite taken by this concept of warchalking. Kudos! Wo|f --------------------------------------------------[SNIP] WEP NODE SHORTHAND: SSID (W>) contact info bandwidth OPEN NODE SHORTHAND: SSID (O<) bandwidth CLOSED NODE SHORTHAND: SSID (C^) bandwidth "PAY NODE" SHORTHAND: (use the appropriate currency symbol for your region, of course): "Buy something from here, use their hotspot": SSID ($^) bandwidth For Boingo (http://www.boingo.com): SSID ($B<) bandwidth For Sputnick (http://www.sputnick.com): SSID ($S>) bandwidth Optional info, maybe be of use: (F) = Free or Community Network (N) = Uses NoCat (http://nocat.net) (X) = Someone thinks there's a hotspot here, but they aren't sure of the details."