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IAX2 Call Number Resource Exhaustion
AST-2009-006: IAX2 Call Number Resource Exhaustion
AST-2009-006: IAX2 Call Number Resource Exhaustion

               Asterisk Project Security Advisory - AST-2009-006

   |      Product       | Asterisk                                          |
   |      Summary       | IAX2 Call Number Resource Exhaustion              |
   | Nature of Advisory | Denial of Service                                 |
   |   Susceptibility   | Remote unauthenticated sessions                   |
   |      Severity      | Major                                             |
   |   Exploits Known   | Yes - Published by Blake Cornell < blake AT       |
   |                    | remoteorigin DOT com > on voip0day.com            |
   |    Reported On     | June 22, 2008                                     |
   |    Reported By     | Noam Rathaus < noamr AT beyondsecurity DOT com >, |
   |                    | with his SSD program, also by Blake Cornell       |
   |     Posted On      | September 3, 2009                                 |
   |  Last Updated On   | September 3, 2009                                 |
   |  Advisory Contact  | Russell Bryant < russell AT digium DOT com >      |
   |      CVE Name      | CVE-2009-2346                                     |

   | Description | The IAX2 protocol uses a call number to associate        |
   |             | messages with the call that they belong to. However, the |
   |             | protocol defines the call number field in messages as a  |
   |             | fixed size 15 bit field. So, if all call numbers are in  |
   |             | use, no additional sessions can be handled.              |
   |             |                                                          |
   |             | A call number gets created at the start of an IAX2       |
   |             | message exchange. So, an attacker can send a large       |
   |             | number of messages and consume the call number space.    |
   |             | The attack is also possible using spoofed source IP      |
   |             | addresses as no handshake is required before a call      |
   |             | number is assigned.                                      |

   | Resolution | Upgrade to a version of Asterisk listed in this document  |
   |            | as containing the IAX2 protocol security enhancements. In |
   |            | addition to upgrading, administrators should consult the  |
   |            | users guide section of the IAX2 Security document         |
   |            | (IAX2-security.pdf), as well as the sample configuration  |
   |            | file for chan_iax2 that have been distributed with those  |
   |            | releases for assistance with new options that have been   |
   |            | provided.                                                 |

   | Discussion | A lot of time was spent trying to come up with a way to   |
   |            | resolve this issue in a way that was completely backwards |
   |            | compatible. However, the final resolution ended up        |
   |            | requiring a modification to the IAX2 protocol. This       |
   |            | modification is referred to as call token validation.     |
   |            | Call token validation is used as a handshake before call  |
   |            | numbers are assigned to IAX2 connections.                 |
   |            |                                                           |
   |            | Call token validation by itself does not resolve the      |
   |            | issue. However, it does allow an IAX2 server to validate  |
   |            | that the source of the messages has not been spoofed. In  |
   |            | addition to call token validation, Asterisk now also has  |
   |            | the ability to limit the amount of call numbers assigned  |
   |            | to a given remote IP address.                             |
   |            |                                                           |
   |            | The combination of call token validation and call number  |
   |            | allocation limits is used to mitigate this denial of      |
   |            | service issue.                                            |
   |            |                                                           |
   |            | An alternative approach to securing IAX2 would be to use  |
   |            | a security layer on top of IAX2, such as DTLS [RFC4347]   |
   |            | or IPsec [RFC4301].                                       |

   |                           Affected Versions                            |
   |             Product              | Release Series |                    |
   |       Asterisk Open Source       |     1.2.x      | All versions       |
   |       Asterisk Open Source       |     1.4.x      | All versions       |
   |       Asterisk Open Source       |     1.6.x      | All versions       |
   |    Asterisk Business Edition     |     B.x.x      | All versions       |
   |    Asterisk Business Edition     |     C.x.x      | All versions       |
   |    s800i (Asterisk Appliance)    |     1.3.x      | All versions       |

   |                              Corrected In                              |
   |                   Product                   |         Release          |
   |            Asterisk Open Source             |          1.2.35          |
   |            Asterisk Open Source             |         |
   |            Asterisk Open Source             |         |
   |            Asterisk Open Source             |          |
   |          Asterisk Business Edition          |         B.2.5.10         |
   |          Asterisk Business Edition          |         C.2.4.3          |
   |          Asterisk Business Edition          |         C.3.1.1          |
   |         S800i (Asterisk Appliance)          |          |

 |                                   Patches                                   |
 |                                 Link                                 |Branch|
|http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2009-006-1.2.diff.txt |1.2 | 
|http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2009-006-1.4.diff.txt |1.4 | 
|http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2009-006-1.6.0.diff.txt|1.6.0 | 
|http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2009-006-1.6.1.diff.txt|1.6.1 | 

| Links | http://www.rfc-editor.org/authors/rfc5456.txt | 
   |                | https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=12912         |
| | http://www.beyondsecurity.com/ssd.html | 

   | Asterisk Project Security Advisories are posted at                     |
| http://www.asterisk.org/security | 
   |                                                                        |
   | This document may be superseded by later versions; if so, the latest   |
   | version will be posted at                                              |
| http://downloads.digium.com/pub/security/AST-2009-006.pdf and | 
| http://downloads.digium.com/pub/security/AST-2009-006.html | 

   |                            Revision History                            |
   |       Date       |        Editor        |        Revisions Made        |
   | 2009-09-03       | Russell Bryant       | Initial release              |

               Asterisk Project Security Advisory - AST-2009-006
              Copyright (c) 2009 Digium, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  Permission is hereby granted to distribute and publish this advisory in its
                           original, unaltered form.

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