TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Beige & Taps :: basbeige.txt

Beige Box: Basic Beige box Info

//                          The Basics of Beige Boxing                       //
//                            Released July 5, 1993                          //
//                                  by Bone                                  //
//                                                                           //
//                                                                           //
//                                ____  .     ______                         //
//                            /\ /    \/| .  / __/__\                        //
//                           /  \   \ / | |\ \ \| |_                         //
//                          / /  \    \ | | \_\ \  _|                        //
//                         /  _   \ /  \|_| /    \|____                      //
//                        /__/ |___\___/___/_____/_____\                     //
//                                                                           //
//                      Call the AbUse HQ at (412)366-9384                   //

NOTE: If you know what a beige box is, and how to use it, then you don't
      need to read this.

The Beige box is a essential tool for any good phreaker to own.  It is
also probably the easiest device to make/use (next to pushing the
buttons on a phone).  First, lets go thru what you need to make your
own beige box.

Materials : 2 alligator clips
            1 piece of phone cord (any length, size, color)
                                  (modular jack on both ends)
            1 hand held self contained phone.
            Wire strippers (or a knife)
            Soldering iron
            Brain (optional)

Ok, start by taking your phone cord (or one piece phone) and cutting off
one end (where one of the modular jacks are) (if you are using a one
piece phone, cut of near the modular jack).  Splice the red and green
wires (in lames terms, get it show the actual wire in the green and red
wires are showing).  Solder and alligator clip on each wire (the red and
the green).  And that's it!  Cake eh?

Now, what can you do with it?  Well, walk up to a local business, or house.
See that nice tanish color box on the side of the building?  Take a
(i'm not sure about this) 7/8 hex wrench and open it up.  Inside you will
see a bunch of wires.  These wires are actually the phone wires for the
location you are at.  The main wires are usually the red and green wires.
Take your beige box (if you made the one of just phone cord, you will
need a phone to plug it into) and hook the alligator clips onto the
corresponding wires (i.e.  the gatorclip on the red wire, to the red wire
in the tan box).  Once you have both hooked up you should here a
dial tone on your phone.  You now have control of that person's
phone system.  The basics that you can do are the obvious, DIAL
THINGS!  1-900's, anything!

You can also set up tapping devices, or run alliances (1-700-456-1000, or
1-700-456-2000, or 102881-700-456-1,2000).


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