TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Beige & Taps :: beige.txt

Beige Box: That Thing Called a Beige Box

|-------------------=MAXIMIZE your window for best results=-----------------|
|---..........That Thing Called a Beige Box..............................---|
|---..................................by WhiteDevil......................---|
\ Diclaimer: I WhiteDevil cannot be held responsible for any actions you    / 
 \ may do with the information provided in this file, nor nac anyone who   / 
  \ provided you with this information, or any group I am involved in be  /
   \ held responsible for your actions.  This file is strictly for       /
    \ informataional uses only.  If you do decide to use this file for  /
     \ illegal puposes, stop reading now!  By continuing you agree to  /
      \                          these terms!                         /

Introduction to the Beige Box
	So just what is a Beige Box?  Well to put it simply, a beige box is a
linesman's handset.  Now for all you neo's, I know you're saying "What the
hell is a lineman's handset?"  Well a lineman's handset is that big orange
phone you see the local phone technician carrying around.  What it does is
let you hook up a phone to the outside of a person's house.  Using a beige
box you will be able to tap into any line in the indeded house.

	In my opinion the Beige Box is the simplest box to design, however it
is a very important and useful box.  The construction for a Beige Box is as
1) Obtain a phone that you will be using as your linesman's handset. Now you 
only need the reciever, you will not need the thing you hang it up 

2) At the end of the phone line you should see a little plastic modular jack.
Slice that right off.  Now strip back the wire a couple inches so 4 plastic
wires are exposed.  (Tip #1: If you find it very hard to strip the wire, here
is an easy tip.  Go down the wire about 2 incheas and cut a bit into the wire
Now do the same thing to the other side at the exact same spot.  Now just 
pull it right off.)
3) Now you should see 4 plastic wires.  They should be colored red, green, 
yellow, and black.  You will only need the red and green wires so you can 
slice the other two right off.  If your wires aren't colored, not to worry.
The red and green wires are the two middles ones.  Now stip the red, and 
green wires so you should only see copper.  If you see cotton, you've cut
the wire and it probably will have lots of static or not work. (Tip #2: Again
if you're having trouble stripping those wires take a razor blade and make a 
cut into the wire on both sides.  Now pull the piece that you cut into and 
you should pull the whole plastic thing off.)

4) After you have the two plastic wires stripped so only copper is remaining
attach an alligator clip to one wire, and another alligator clip to the other
(Tip #3: If you find that your clips keep falling off, you might want to 
solder them on.)

That's it! You have just created a Beige Box. Now let's learn how to use it.

Connecting the Beige Box
	You will find that the Beige Box has many great uses.  However, 
before you can actually use your beige box, you must first hook it up to the
output device.  So what's it look like?  Well they usually vary in size. I've
seen some big ones, and some real tiny ones.  It's usually green, and it 
should have a picture of a phone on it.  I've found that a lot of them are 
right next to the gas meter, on the side of the house.
	So once you have found it, ipen it up and you should see 4 little
bolts.  Those are called terminals.  Now attach the red alligator clip to the 
red terminal.  Now attach the green alligator clip to the green terminal.  If
you get a dial-tone then your all set, but if you don't, try re-arranging the
aligator clips just in case you have them on the wrong terminals.  Also make
sure that the alligator clips are not touching, this will make the phone hang
up.  If it still doesn't work, examine it and make sure the wires have not 
been broken and the copper wire is securely on the alligator clip.  If all 
else fails, you can always quickly make another one.
Beige Box Uses

	There are many great uses for the Beige Box.  I'm gonna name some of 
them for ya.  A lot more uses you can just think up with your imagination.
Remember, you can practically do anything you want because this isn't your
line, it's somebody elses.  So what can you do with a beige box????

- Phree Long Distance Calls
- Eavesdropping (and blackmale, hehe)
- Hacking long distance (Laptop required)
- Pranks, bothering people, whatever the fuck you wanna do.
- Scanning for carriers. (Laptop required, unless you're doing it manually)
- Look for codes

-=Phree Long Distance Calls=-
	Call whoever you want.  Call payphones in Europe and talk to a 
complete stranger.  Call anyone you want! Remember these calls aren't going 
to your bill!

	This may happen sometime when you are out beiging.  You may attach 
your beige box and pick up the receiver and hear people talking.  Great, your
eavesdropping.  Listen carefully for those secrets for blackmale in the 

-=Hacking Long Distance (Laptop required)
	Well this pretty much says it all by the title.

-=Pranks, bothering people, whatever the fuck you want to do=-
	Hey, have som fun with this one.

-=Scanning for carriers=-
	You can do this manually or bring your laptop ith you and have it do
all the work, while catch some zzz's.

-=Look for Codes=-
	Hey it's as good a time as any to do this.

Safety Precautions
	Beige Boxing is illegal! So you must take certain precautions.

-If you're stupid enough to not know this safety precaution, then don't even
go out.  Do not, I repeat do not beige in the day.  Look for boxes in the
daytime (well don't go snooping around).  When you're walking by houses, take
a quick glance for a box on the side of the house.  This will help you at
night because you won't be wondering around looking for a box which wastes

-Bring a small penlight.  Use this on the boxes so you can actually see where
you're attaching the alligator clips.

-Dress in dark clothes or something that will blend in with the environment
around you.

-Put clear tape on the box you work on, and then the next time you're there,
if it's broken then get your ass outta there, because it is likely they're on
to ya.  If it's not, don't worry 'bout it.

-Don't work on one box to much.  This will just draw attention to yourself 
and they will probably devise some trap for you.  So in other words, work on
more than one box.

-It would be a good idea to box in a secluded area, rather than an open one.
For instance it would be smarter to work on a box that is hidden in bushes,
which will also hide your ass, than in an area that can be seen by the next
door neighbors.

Follow these rules and you should be ok.

Things to bring when Beige Boxing

-Small penlight (To use on the phone boxes so you can see what you're doing)

-Flashlight (Only use this if you don't have a clue where you are, or you're
in an area where you might get hurt if not careful)

-Alibi (Before you go out boxing, make sure you have an alibi to explain why
you were snooping around the neighbors house)

-Notepad (So you can write down things you find out like if you're manually
scanning, or looking for codes)

-Lappie (optional.  I don't do this, but you might wanna)

-Field Phreaking Kit (Since you're out, why not do other stuff?)

and lastly...A Backpack (If you have a lot of stuff, put it in here)

	Well that's it.  I hope you enjoyed reading this file, and it helped
you out as much as possible.  Look out for more of my files if you enjoyed
this one. Peace!
(C)1998 WhiteDevil
All Rights Reserved

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