TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Beige & Taps :: beige4.txt

Beige Box: Ki||a's Guide to Beige Boxing

                     Ki||A's Guide To Beige Boxing

     I dont think that much has been written about the fine art
of Beige Boxing.  This text will give the begining Beige Boxer a
look into the art.  Ok first things first.
     A Beige Box is nothing more than a line mans handset which
is usually used to test phone lines going to houses, apartments,
etc, but for the phreak it has a number of fun and entertaining
uses, some of which will be discussed here.


- Touchtone phone.  It cannot be a portable; it has to be one that
you can plug into a modular jack.
- A couple of alligator clips
- Electrical Tape
- A brain

All of these can be brought at Radio Shack of course.  Except for
the brain.  You should already have that.

Making The Box

     Ok.  Pop open the modular jack in your house on the wall or
whatever.  You should see four wires: red, green, yellow, black.
Only two matter, the red and the green.  You can just move the
other two wires out of the way for this.
     A phone cord also has these same four wires and the same 2
are the only ones that matter.  Get a phone cord and strip its
casing off about two feet.  Next just cut off the black and
yellow wire you wont be needing those.  Ok now this is the hard
part boys and girls.  You have to strip the casing off of the red
and green wires down about six inches.  But be careful because
the casing is not that thick so be careful not to cut the wires
inside.  Got it?  Ok.  Now what you do is take the red wire and
fasten it to the red clip whatever way you wish and wrap the
connection in Electrical tape.  Now do the same for the green
wire and connect it to the other clip.
     Ok now its time to test your box.  In your modular jack as I
said there are four wires.  The red one should be labeld "R" for
ring and the green should be labeld "T" for tip.  Connect the red
clip to the R terminal and connect the other clip to the T
terminal.  Voila!  If you hear a dialtone, your box works.  If not,
go through your steps and see what you did wrong.

Connecting The Box

     Now it gets interesting.  You know when you're out walking
around somtimes in the back of apartment buildings you sometimes
see those two to three foot boxes out in the back labeled
telephone company?  That is what we are going to use to do our
boxing.  It might be locked so you need to get a 7/16 socket
wrench and open it.  Once you have opened it you should see a mass
of wires connected to terminals.  I've heard of different setups
in different boxes.  So you'll have to phuck around and see what
works but this is what you would do.  You take your red clip and
connect it to one terminal.  Connect the other clip to another
terminal and you should get a dial tone.  If not just switch the
clips around till it does work.

Practical Uses For A Beige Box

     Your Beige Box can do many things:
- Eavesdropping.
- Long Distance Dialing.
- Allience confrencing.
- Phucking with the operator.
- Calling your Phriends.
- And the best part free calls!

Things To Keep In Mind While Boxing:

1.  Just remember when you dial long distance to dial a "1"
2.  To connect to allience confrencing dial 0-700-256-1000 and
youll get directions from there.
3.  Dont use the same place all the time or you might be geting a
visit from the gestapo.
4.  Keep a low profile.
5.  Have phun!

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