TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Beige & Taps :: beige440.txt

Beige and Buzy Box

31337 Phreaking
 By: ic0n/Jackass
 E-mail ic0n@pla440.zzn.com

      How To Build A Beige Box and a buzy box 


     1 cheap fone.
     1 Bell box. (usually on the side or back of victims house)
     1 Flathead screwdriver.
     1 Flashlight if you wanna see what you doing 
       And some fone cord.

   2. Construction- Now that you have what you need, let's make it.  This 
      is quite complicated, but follow my diretions and you will have no problems.  
      Put the fone cord in the fone.  Your done. If you couldn't do that please do the world a 
      favor and shoot yourself.  For those of you that have an IQ over 3 and are still breathing
      congratulations you built a beige box.

   3. Use- using this is as simple as making it.  Go to someone's house and 
      find that ugly little box with
      the wretched Bell logo on it.  Whip out your flashlight, if it is dark and 
      you have it, and find  the side that says "Customer Access" or some bullshit like that. 
      Found it, good.  Now get your flathead screwdriver and open it up.  Now I know your saying "You dick! 
      I need a phillips for this."  But you don't.  Take a close look at it.  It  looks like this right or something:

      The one side is longer huh, I bet you can guess which side to put it in.  
      That's right, the long one. Now unscrew it and open it up.  ooooh ahhhhhh.  
      Ain't that pretty.  Well enough admiring let's go to work. If you're at 
      a house there should be two fone cords pluged in.  We will be working with 
      the top one.  Unplug it.  Now take out your beige box and plug it in.  
      Doesn't the dial tone sound like an angel singing.  If you don't get 
      a tone try the bottom one.  If there is still no tone, go to the next house.  
      These people didn't pay their bill.  Now if you are at a company's box 
      there may or may not be two cords.  Usually there is more.  Just start with 
      the first one and work your way down untill you get a dial tone.  Now you 
      can do whatever you want, call sex #s (especially if they have a kid you 
      don't like.  Imagine them trying to explain 200 hours of gay sex calls),
      set up a conference call,  or just call Nigeria.  Do anything that you 
      like.  Just don't call friends or family.

     5. Cleanup- Unplug your fone, plug their line back in, wipe anything you 
        touched just to be safe, and screw it shut. If you don't plan on going 
        back there maybe you would want to write your handle there just to piss 
        them off.  I don't recomend that though.  If you ever get caught it ties 
        you to more crimes

                   PART 2

Ok this is Jackass making a revision to this wonderful file wrote by ic0n.
Well you might ask...."Whats wrong with it?"NOTHING but I noticed a thing 

I dont agree with like the wasting of a perfectly good phone cord end.
Instead of throwing away that extra end when you make 
your beige box I 
recomend you save it and make a busy box. To do this you
just strip the wire and cross it i.e. red wire touching green wire or 
wire touching yellow wire and tape that bitch up and plug it in 
your phone is busy now so use your head you know what this is good
for. Well have fun sorry ic0n but I dont think wed be good role models for
the kids that are gonna read this if we didnt promote recycling HAHAHA!

                   Have Fun By All Means!!

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