TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Beige & Taps :: beigeobx.txt

Beige Boxing

                               Beige boxing 
               By Ace OF the BOA www.angelfire.com/ct/theboa

	Well, if youve read any h/p/v/a/c texts at all, you probably noticed that there
either outdated, stupid, or not for the New England Area. In what will hopefully
become a long series of files, I will discuss some extremely simple things you can 
do to have fun in your neighborhood or town or whatever. In this particular file I
will be discussing Beige Boxing. A Beige Box, as you may already know, is simply a 
phone with small alligator clips (you can buy them at Radio Shack) tied or soldered 
(preferably soldered) onto it. One alligator clip is on the Red Wire coming out of 
the phone, and one alligator clip is on the green wire. The Black and Yellow wires 
arent importantfor now. As far as the kind of phone to use, I would recommend one that
has everything built into the handset, preferably with a switch to put it on/off hook
instead of a hanger, although many people use regular hanger phones. I use a phone made 
by hte Acer Monitor Company for mounting on ACER monitors. It has a little button you 
push to take it off hook or put it on. Its about the size of a Cellphone, and has an 
in-use light when you turn it on. It has Flash but no redial. Id recommend this phone. 
It actually cost me 7 bucks new at a computer show.Once youve actually built your beige
box, heres what you can do with it.
			Two Ways of Using Your Beige Box (more below this)
	There are three ways you can use a beige box. The first way is to waltz up to someones
house, open the grey box you might find there, and hook the alligator clipped red wire to the
exposed part of the red wire in their grey box, and do the same to their green wire with your
green wire. If its hooked up in the right way (red and green NOT touching) and its secure, 
You should now have full access to their phone line. The second way, if you live in a residential 
area, is to find the green plastic boxes, which are sitting kind of in the ground in peoples front 
yards, open them with a socket wrench, and hook up there. (green on green, red on red duh) The last 
two methods you should try on your own house if you want. 

			The third way of using your beige Box
	The third way of using your beige box is probably the best way. This involves finding a 
bridging head. A bridging head is a large (two feet wide, 5 inches deep, two feet or more high..This is 
normal, but they might be bigger in some places)green or silver box either sitting on the ground or 
mounted about 4 feet off the ground on a telephone pole. They also usually have the word AT&Ton the front. 
On the front of the bridging head you should see 2 doors, and a handle with a bolt in it. 
If there is no master lock on the handle (there usually isnt, Lazy Telcos) turn the bolt and lift the handle. 
You should hear a pop and the door should open. You may have to use a socket wrench, although I use the 
file on my leatherman tool, because i be 133+ like dat. Anyway, once you have the door open, you should 
see large plastic racks covered by small plastic covers. On the inside of the doors there should be 
rolls of bridging head wire and the wire cutting tool.There should also be a big thick wire with a 
weird clip mounted there, with two screws, one on a black wire, and one on a red one on the top of its 
mounting thing. Its best to leave the wire and stuff there so that the telco doesnt get suspicious, 
unless you dont plan on going back to that one, in which case loot away. You might
also find stuff like valuable telco manuals behind the frame of the rack, which folds out after you take two bolts 
out. Anyway, to actually use the bridging head hook your red wire clip to the red wire screw I mentioned earlier, 
and the black to the black. Now hook the thick wire with the clip to any one of the plastic slots, each of which is
a phone line, but this will only work if you see a little wire going to the plastic slot, which means the lines active.(duh)

			Things to do when you have your beigeBox hooked up
	There are alot of things you can do when you get your beige box hooked up. Dial 1-900 numbers, dial up BBses
and whatnot with your handheld pc or notebook and whatnot, etc. But there are some things people dont always think of.
For instance, you could tape record all the convesations on a certain line, you could deactivate a line by hooking the 
ring and tip (red and Green) together, you could call 911...Theyll go to the house, not to you if your at a Bridging head.
These are some examples of things you can do...Be creative. While your at it, why dont you harass the SNET ops "Can you lick my Balls?" 
You might even consider just touching a wire together on the terminals, disabling the line completely, or hiding a taperecorder in there
...You can buy a telephone tape recorder from the Edge Company (1-800-732-9976 for a catalog) or maybe Radio Shack.


This is copyright 1999 The BOA...This is not to be used as a guide to cause havoc or to hack, only as an informational resource.
Remember Bitches: THE BOA OWNZ U

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