TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Beige & Taps :: beigetcq.txt

Beige Boxing Techniques

Heres a few techniques you can use on your
career as a phreak.

[Handy things to carry]

Going beige boxing? Fun fun fun, but heres a few
things that can be handy to have with you.

- Firecrackers: Your probly thinking "why the
hell would i want to carry firecrackers?" Well,
lets say your behind someones house, jacked into
his TNI. Now lets say the homeowner heard you
talking and comes around the corner of the house
with a flashlight. You now have a problem. If
one were to light the firecrackers and toss them
in the guys general direction, it would most
likely startle him, giving you a head start on
the run away. The drawback is, this usually
pisses someone off.

- Pepper spray: This serves somewhat the same
purpose as the firecrackers. Lets say instead of
the homeowner coming around the corner, its
instead his 120 lb german shepherd. Now this my
friends is a pants-wetter. Armed with some
pepper spray, you go from a defenseless (and
soiled) phreak, to a phreak thats running for
his ass cheeks, but at least you have a head

[Things NOT to do]

- Misuse of flashlight: This seems to be fairly
common. When a neighbor happens to look out
their side window and see a flashlight waving
around their next-door neighbors house, they
dont exactly think "Shit, theres some kid over
there beige boxing that guys phone!" They think,
"Shit theres some guy trying to break into that
guys house!" The inevitable result is either the
police get called, or you get a hero-wannabe
coming out to try to kick your ass. So, let this
be a lesson to you all, only use your flashlight
wghen you NEED to see, like when you attach your
clips. And when you use it, cover it with your
hand and open a crack between your fingers, this
cuts down on the conspicousness of beige boxing.

- Boxing the same line more then a month: This
seems fairly obvious, but ive still heard of
phreaks getting nailed by this. Phone bills are
sent out monthly. When the owner of your
favorite line gets his bill and notices he made
20 calls to jamaica at 2:00am, hes going to
start wondering. Most likely he will call the
telco to complain, who will then know theres a
phreak operating in the area. They will most
likely send a security crew out to watch the
box, or notify the local police.

Never underestimate the telco, ive seen some
really wierd shit. Theres this can, in a very
perfect location here. It sits between 2 fences,
and behind a fir tree. I mean, nobody can see
you there. So, i had been boxing this line about
a week, when one nite i went out there and found
an ornage cable running into the box, over the
fence, and as far as i could see into the
neighbors house. Well, i didnt think much of it,
figured some ass had been too lazy to bury a new
phone line. I popped the cover off the box and
immediately heard an alarm sound from the house.
I froze for a second thinking it was maybe just
something else, but a few seconds after it
started, the back door of the house opened and a
guy walked out. Needless to say i unclipped and
took off like a bat out of hell, but it taught
me something. The telco plays dirty.

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