TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Beige & Taps :: cfphbox.txt

Phuck Box - Use your beige boxing victim's Call Forwarding service to evade detection

           T H ä   Forwarding....
                    ²±±±±±  ²±  ²±  ²±  ²±  ²±±±±±  ²±   ²±
                    ²±  ²±  ²±  ²±  ²±  ²±  ²±      ²±  ²±
                    ²±±±±±  ²±±±±±  ²±  ²±  ²±      ²±±±
                    ²±      ²±  ²±  ²±  ²±  ²±      ²±  ²±
                    ²±      ²±  ²±  ²±±±±±  ²±±±±±  ²±   ²±

                                                             á O X

Copywrong (X) 1992                          ’uthor - œine áreaker

ATTENTION:  This paper is for information and entertainment purposes
only.  The author assumes no responsibility and is protected from the
prosecution by the U.S. Bill of Rights, Article One:  Freedom of Speech
and Press Act.
        The Reader should be aware that the use of the item(s) in this
text is (are) illiegal in most if not all states.  He/She waives all
rights of prosecution.  In addition, ALL parties to whom this text has a
bearing, waive all rights of prosecution of the author by reading past
this point.


                        ®®®®®® Introduction ¯¯¯¯¯¯

        ESS.  Everyone who is a phreak knows the horror.  ANI, something
else brought on by ESS that everyone just loves!  All I ever hear is
everyone complaining about it.  Well its here to stay, so stop whining
about it and use it to your advantage.  Now if you live in an area
without ESS, then don't read this file because it is of no use to you.
Almost everywhere in the country it's in use except for some places out
in BFE (ie. Idaho, Kentucky or someother places out in the boonies).
Now this really isn't a box, but if you consider a cheese box a box,
then it is one.  Basicly, this box can be used as a substitute for a
beagan box.  The box combines the use of a beige box and a wonderful
service known as call forwarding.  By using this, you will be able to
make phree phone calls and avoid being traced to your line.  The reason
I call this the Phuck Box is because whoever you use this on, is fucked
because all calls will be traced back to them along with the bills for
all the calls you make.  Think of this as a 'remote beagan box'.  (For
your information, a beagan box is where you run a wire directly from a
neighbors phone box to your computer which in my opinion is un practical
and dangerous).

                      ­! How Call Forwarding Works !­

For those of you who don't know how call forwarding works, I will
explain.  Lets say Jefro has the call forwarding service on his line.
Jefro decides to go visit Muhammed but before he leaves, he turns on the
call forwarding and sets it to call Muhammed.  Jefro leaves and goes
over to Muhammed's house to butt ram him.  Saddam is sitting at home,
playing with himself and decides to give Jefro a call.  He dials Jefro's
number, the call forwarding kicks in and forwards the call to Muhammed's
house.  The phone at Muhammed's house starts ringing while they're
packing each others fudge and Muhammed answers it, hands the phone to
Jefro and then Jefro and Saddam start talking.  Saddam is billed only
for calling Jefro's house and Jefro is billed for the call from Jefro's
house to Muhammed's house.  Now if you are retarded or a complete moron
and didn't understand that explanation, look in the beginning of the phone
book (white pages) and it will explain it and how to use it once you have
the service.

                      º Things you will need º

1.  The full name, address, and telephone number of a residence.  (make
sure you get the name of the parent, not their son or something like
that.  An easy way is to look in the phone book.  Make sure this person
is a local call to you).

2.  A cordless phone (base and handset, SMALL as possible)

3.  Some guts

4.  Phone wire.

5.  Two aligator clips

                     /(.) (.)\
                     \   *   /   D i R E C T i O N S
                      | {=} |    -------------------

  ** STEP ONE **

        Call up the phone company to order call forwarding (Again,
look in the beginning of the white pages for the number).  They have
automated ones now, but talk to a real person because you can only use
the automated one if the person at that house has a calling card and
you know the number and their account number which is a hassle.  Tell
the person you want to order call forwarding.  They will ask for your
name, address and phone number.  Once they have that, by the end of the
day, call forwarding will be installed on that line.

  ** STEP TWO **

        Strip the end of some phone wire (the type that runs from the
phone jack in your wall to your phone) so that the red (ring) and green
(tip) wires are visible.  Bare about 1/4 inch off the end of each wire
so you can attach aligator clips to the end of them.  (Ignore the yellow
and black wires.  Those are used for the second line in the house.)
You can solder the wires to the clips if you want, but it's not
required.  Then plug the other end into the phone.  You now should have
the base part of the phone with phone wire coming from it with aligator
clips attached to end of the wires. (NOTE:  The wire should be atleast
5 feet long.)  This is known as a simple yet effective beige box except
you should be using a cordless phone.


        Late at night, go to your victims house and find their phone box
(where you would use a beige box).  Open it up and attach the aligator
clips to the appropriate screws.  (If they are not marked, play with
them until you get a dial tone.)  Now if the base part of the phone will
fit, leave it inside of the phone box.  If not, don't worry about it.
Just hide the phone in the bushes or something and run the wire from the
phone box.  But you have to plug the phone in some where, Duh.. That is
 the hard part, you can look for a plug on the side of the house, or
some other stupid place to pug it in..(Try conceal the wire).  Turn on the
handset and make
sure you get a dial tone.

  **  STEP FOUR **

        Now set the call forwarding to call wherever you want.  If you
did this to a house right next door, and your phone is good enough, you
might be able to do this from your room!  If not, just casually walk or
drive by the house.  Try to stay as far away as you can while still
being able to use the phone.  Turn on the phone, and set it to forward
to a 1-900 number or if you wanna hack some codes, maybe a 950 or a long
distance BBS.  Use your imagination!  Go back to your house, and dial
that persons phone number and you will be forwarded to whatever number
you set it to.  Just be sure to turn it off by morning because anyone
who calls that number, will be forwarded to whatever number you set it
to.  It would be a fun joke to set it to some 900 sex service or
something when people try to call.  Also remove the base part of the
phone by early morning UNLESS you well concealed it or its hidden
inside of the phone box.  If you've decided to leave the phone there,
during the day you can still make calls with it safely.  Turn on the
phone, see if anyones on the line, if not, set the call forwarding to
where you wanna call.  Go back to your house, dial the persons number,
when you get through to wherever you want, immediately after turn off
the call forwarding.

  ** STEP FIVE **     (Optional)

        Within a week, the person who's line you ordered call forwarding
on will receive a notice in the mail.  If at all possible, check this
person's mail box everyday and steal the notice.  Otherwise, when they
get it, they will call and complain to the phone company that they never
ordered it and it will be cancelled.  If you succeed in getting the
notice before they do, the call forwarding will stay on the phone line
until they get their phone bill which is when they will complain.

        If you don't have a cordless phone, or one that you could spare,
you could use a beige box and hook it up each time you want to forward
the calls to a different number.  This is a cheaper method with higher

        I hope you have enjoyed this.  If you have any questions, I can
be contacted on boards here in So. Calif. as well as out of state
boards through CyberCrimeNet.

                   œine áreaker     1992
                     and touched up by
                  MacGyver          1994

 !!! MacGyver !!!     GrayWolf99@aol.com

** NOTE **

The author makes a reference to "ESS" with regard to AT&T's ESS1A and 5ESS.
I'll assume he makes this reference because of the feature enhancements that
were implemented with the ESS1A, including "CALL FORWARDING".  Unfortunately,
his knowledge of AT&T switching systems ends there.  Furthermore, he
neglects to mention other non-ESS (But equally powerful) switches, such as
the Northern DMS 100(/200).   It appears the author believes that a caller is
shielded from having his ANI recorded when a call is forwarded in a
Station-to-Trunk or Station-to Station arrangement via an AT&T switch.   When
working with ISDN on a 5ESS (or DMS 100), you will quickly discover that
CALLED, CALLING, and FORWARDING DN's are passed through the network (with or
without ISDN).  The moral of this story is.....Don't implement the author's
plan without specific knowledge of the switching system you are on.  All
current switching systems can log or trace any element of a forwarded call
made within a LATA boundary.  After the FCC mandated delivery of ANI takes
place in April '95, this will extend further to calls out of your LATA - some
carriers, like Wiltel deliver it now!  This means that even long distance
callers are not shielded!

All of this is made possible by the beauty of SS7, not ESS.

Chuck Poole


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