TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Beige & Taps :: itfctbb.txt

Beige Box: It's Too Fucking Cold To Beige Box Box

     | .\    __  _________  _________  __________
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              \|   ntop.kracked.com - 1999


 - The "Its Too Fucking Cold To Beige Box" box -
   By HaPpYKiLL

 I had this idea last year but never really wrote it down. For those times when you
absolutely MUST call someone and MUST NOT pay for it, but wait, its -10 out! Well, heres
the solution.

Materials Needed:

1 flat chunk of plastic
4 screws (2 wood screws, 2 other)
2 alligator clips
1 good long length of telephone cord or thin wire (2 wire cable)
1 twist-tie
solder and soldering iron
and your trusty beige box.

Now, heres what to do with all that shit.

Take the 2 "other" screws and screw them thru the hunk of flat plastic, keeping them wide
enuf to clip your box onto.

Solder one end of your cable to the screws, one wire for each screw, duh.

Attach the alligator clips on the other end of the cable.

Now, take the flat chunk of plastic, and use the 2 wood screws to anchor it somewhere in
your car. Eg, the dashboard, the floorboard, somewhere.

Ascii time!

 ________                                                                     //
| o  o   |___________________________________________________________________/
|________|-------------------------------------------------------------------    clips
Flat plastic w/ screws        Big long wire                                   \\

 How to use it:

This is easy, go out at like 2am, drive out into the country until you see a green phone
can. Park your car next to it, and chuck the cable/clips out the window. Get out, attach
the clips to the line you wish to use, and get back in your car. Now you can clip your
beige box onto the screws in your car, and talk in the warm goodness of your own car.

 Comments criticism: hk@kracked.com

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