TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Beige & Taps :: maroon.txt

Maroon Box - Make a beige box from a cordless phone, phreak remotely

                               _________       __           ________
                              /___  ___/      / /          / ______/
                                 / /         / /          / /_____  
                                / /         / /          /_____  /
                            ___/ /___      / /_____     ______/ /
                           /________/     /_______/    /_______/ 

  This is a great phile by the people at Information Liberation Specialists.

                                   T H E  M A R O O N  B O X

        Here is our disclaimer. We do not condone the use of this device...it 
        is illegal to use it in a manner such as the one described. We hold 
        no responsibility for your actions with or without this device. 
        yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda....let's just get to the phile.
        You're probably asking yourself "what the hell is a maroon box?" 
        Plain and simple...it is a box that should have been made years ago. 
        Originally it wasn't a box....but since we changed the idea...and 
        made it more compact...we made it a box. The maroon box allows you to 
        place your call--from someone else's line of course--from a distance...
        that way you don't have to stand there with a beige box and a phone 
        cord hanging off of it and into a phone box when someone drives by.  
        First I will provide the plans and then a complete description of its 
        use and posibilities.

        First, go get yourself a cordless phone (the smaller the better) at a 
        garage sale--make sure it works.  Open the base unit up and take out 
        all the stuff inside--keep it intact.  Now if you found a reasonably 
        small cordless the pile of electronics you pulled out should fit 
        comfortably into the palm of your hand.  Get yourself an empty coke 
        can...use a can opener or the like, to cut out the top of the can 
        where the drinking hole is.  With any luck you will wash and dry the 
        inside of the can.  Place the ball of electronincs into the can. Now 
        rig a line with aligator clips...just like you would if you were using 
        a beige box....By now you are probably wondering what you are going to 
        do about the little power cord and transformer that are also attached 
        to the little bundle.....there are a few possibilities. 
          1)look at the manufactuer's marking on the case of the phone...and 
            the transformer...find the voltage the phone uses...usually around  
            6 volts or so...now go buy/steal (whatever you do) a battery that is
            the same voltage that the base unit uses. Connect it to the base unit
            end of story...but the second one is better.
          2)if you prefer a more permanent arrangement you can hard wire the 
            power from the house along with the phone wires.(more on this 
            later). Well there you have it, simple isn't it. Now let me 
            explain about it.

        Now here is the deal.  if you haven't already figured it out by now 
        the maroon box lets you wire up to the phone and then sit in a car 
        or whatever a distance away...so you don't look suspicious when you 
        are standing next to a building with a phone and a wire that is 
        pluged into  another house.  You can walk up, clip on, leave you coke 
        can there, walk a little ways off and use the handset to make a call. 
        On the other hand, if you want to make it permanent you can forget 
        the can and try to stuff the entire ball of electronics into the 
        little grey phone box on the side of the person's house...WARNING...
        when they find out that you have a 3 hour call to a 900# to get your 
        jollies, they will call ma bell and ma bell will check they're box, 
        finding your little addidtion....but for a five dollar cordless at a 
        garage sale..who can complain....and if you are smart about it, you 
        might be able to get away with it for a long time.

        The name for this box came from the fact that it remotely resembles 
        the color of the coke can in which you place it.
        That wraps up this phile...you're welcome! Credit for this work of art
        goes out to ME...aka Dial-Tone...feel free to post this..unchanged 

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