TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Beige & Taps :: pillbox.txt

Pill Box: The Complete Lamer's Guide to Pillboxin'

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Have you ever got a text file on pill-boxing that is fucken technical,
crap or doesn't explain things in enough detail???? well here is your answer.

I am writing this for you mutha fuckers who wanna 
learn to have fun and also this is an easy way to start phreaking.  In this 
guide i will tell you how to do everything from making a begie-box and
wiring it up to the pill-box and making some callz (for you fucken big lamers
i will explain what a pill-box and begie box are!).

NOTE: To all of you experienced HP^ dudez who think that pillboxing is lame 
      and old, who cares!!!! it is the easist way for newbies to learn to 
      phreak safely and i bet you that you have been pillboxing before when 
      you just started out.

----=(mY gUARANTEE)=--------------------------------------------------------

i guarantee you that this is a complete guide of how to pill/beige box, 
everything contained in here really works unlike some articles that look good
and when you go to try them they don't fucken work! please enjoy my hours of
typing and remember i am not responisbe for you getting into trouble....


What is a pill-box?
       A pill-box is one of those grey bits of pipe about half a meter high
       Sticking out of the ground near every 3rd house or so and has Telescums
       name stuck over it in black! some of them have a sticker which says
       something like 'you will be prosocuted if caught tappering with the
       network!'.  Inside these wonderful things are heaps of fucken wirez 
       Which i will later tell you how to connect your beige box to.

What is a begie box?     

       A beige box is an adaptor which enables you to connect a normal
       phone into the wirez of a pill box.  It is very simple and doesn't 
       require any electronic knowledge to make!

----=(hOW tO mAKE a bEGIE bOX - wHAT yOU wILL nEED)=------------------------

1 Phone extension socket - you know those little white boxes that you plug
                           your phone into? It doesn't matter if you get a
                           Master or extension socket. a master socket
                           contains a few capcitors and shit, and if you use
                           one of these you can hear if  call is coming 
                           through the line, by a ringing sound of course!
                           but with an extension socket you can't.

2 lengths of wire - make sure they are differnt colors so you can tell them 
                    appart at a glance.  make them about 2 meters long each.
1 soldering iron and solder  (not neccessary, i'll tell ya how to get away 
                             without having one)

2 alligator clips - you can get these fuckers from dicksmith electronics
                    just ask for them by name, if you don't know what the
                    fuck they are then fuck off and delete this file!

1 flathead or philipshead screwdriver

1 pair of pleirs

electrical tape

----=(hOW tO mAKE a bEGIE bOX - mETHOD)=------------------------------------

Open the extension socket with a screwdriver, you do this by unscrewing the 
screws that hold the box together. you will see a brown or green piece of
PCB board (PCB is just a fucken name for the bitch), right in the middle is 
the socket were the phone normally goes into. 

              |                              |
              | **.--.********************** |      Key
              | * |##|4               .--. * |      ~~~
              | * |  |               3|##| * |  
              | * |##|5               |  | * |      **** PCB board outline
              | * |  |               2|##| * |
              | * |##|6               |  | * |      .--.
              | * `--'               1|##| * |      |##|
              | *       .__________.  `--' * |      |  | the 'blocks' i wil be
              | *       | ________ |       * |      |##| talking about in the
              | *       ||        ||       * |      |  | instructions
              | *       ||        ||       * |      |##|
              | *       || |||||| ||       * |      `--'
              | *       || |||||| ||       * |    
              | *       |`--------'|       * |      ##  The cuts/groves in  
              | *       `----------'       * |           the blocks
              | *          ||||||          * | 
              | *          |i|i|i          * |
              | *          | | |           * |      Big mutha in the middle of 
              | *          i i i           * |      the diagram is well i hope
              | *                          * |      you can tell it is where 
              | *                          * |      the phones plugs in!!!
              | **************************** | 
              |                              | 
              |                              | 

Above it on the left and right
are 2 blocks which have 3 cuts in them and beside the cuts on the PCB board
are numbers 1 to 6, 1-3 on the right hand block and 4-6 on the lefthand side,
as showen in the above diagram.
Get one bit of wire and put it between the cut/slot which has the number '2'
beside it.  you know in a fruit shop how when the dude seals the bag by 
putting it in between that device and it comes back out with the tape around
it all nicely sealed off?  use that same action to put the wire into the slot
but leave it in there for a nice secure easy connection. now get the other 
piece of wire and put it into the slot with the number '5' beside it.

Now on the other half of the box, the back part which you screw
the piece we have just been playing with onto.  Look at it and you will see
2 holes drilled right through it (i'm not taking about the holes which the
screws go into,  if there are none, drill a hole into the case about 5 mm in
diameter).  Thread the wirez through the holes in the back of the case, and 
then screw the extension socket back together.

You will now have an extension socket with two wirez sticking out the back of 
it. With the pair of pliers strip the ends of the wire to remove the plastic
insulation and expose the metal wire.  Now take one of the aligator clips and
connect it to one of the wirez. the best way to do this is to thread the wire
through the hole in the clip (the hole is on the end of it,  it maybe covered
by the plastic surrounding the top half of the clip, just pull back the 
plastic and thread the wire through).  thread it through
a couple of times and/or twist the wire together to make a nice connection. 
Now get a piece of electrical tape (or similar) and wind it around the wire
where you have connected it to the aligator clip so it holds the wire to the
clip. (Soldering the connection is better as you have a good solid connection 
holding the wire to the clip.)  now do the same to the other piece of wire.

Ok if you have successfully done that you have your beige box.  

----=(hOW tO mAKE a bEGIE bOX - aDVANCED mETHOD)=---------------------------

To make this more compact and less bulkier beige box you will need to have
some experience in simple electronics and have to know how to use a soldering
iron confidently!

open the extension socket with a screw driver and take the half of the box 
which has the PCB board attached to.  unscrew the PCB board from the white 
plastic extension box.

look at the number '2' slot in the block and turn the PCB board over and see 
where the number '2' pin is soldered into the PCB baord.

follow the circuit that it is soldered on until you reach the pins from the 
phone jack. now keep a mental note of where it is positioned and turn the
PCB board over again and note which pin from the modular jack is solidered
onto the circuit with the '2' pin.  mark it some how, with some paint/pen

you might have to flip the PCB board over a few times to make exactly sure
you have the correct pin from the modular jack.  

Now do the same thing with the number '5' slot and mark that pin from the 
modular jack.

here are the number '5' and '2' pins already marked out for you but check
them just in case some strange reason they are different!

                 |                              |
                 | **.--.********************** |
                 | * |##|4               .--. * |
                 | * |  |               3|##| * |
                 | * |##|5               |  | * |
                 | * |  |               2|##| * |
                 | * |##|6               |  | * |
                 | * `--'               1|##| * |
                 | *       .__________.  `--' * |
                 | *       | ________ |       * |
                 | *       ||        ||       * |
                 | *       ||        ||       * |
                 | *       || |||||| || <------------- this is the modular
                 | *       || |||||| ||       * |      jack just in case you 
                 | *       |`--------'|       * |      don't know what i mean
                 | *       `----------'       * |
                 | *          ||||||          * |
                 | *          |i|i|i          * |
                 | *          | | |           * |
                 | *          i i i           * |
                 | *                          * |
                               ^  ^
                               |  |
                               |  `---------- this is the number '2' slot
this is the number '5' slot ---'

now cut out the modular jack from the PCB board, i did this with a pair of 
wire cutters and clipped the PCB board away from it.  now desolder or clip/
cut the pins from the modular jack out of the PCB board to free it completly.

now strip 5-10 mm of plastic insulation from one of the wires and solder it
to the number '2' pin and with the other piece of wire do the same to the
number '5' pin!

now tape the pins and wire with the electrical tape to seal everything off 

now solder the aligator clips onto the 2 wirez.  pull off the plastic 
insulation from the aligator clip and you will see a 1 mm hole at the top
which you can insert the wire in.

well that is it and now you have your begie box!!!! yeah, now you just need
to know how to connect it to a pill-box!

----=(nOW yOU nEED a pHONE)=------------------------------------------------

the best type of phone to use is one that is just a handset ie: it has the
buttons in between the speaker and microphone (i mean the piece you hold up
to your ear).  You can get these suckers from 'the warehouse, were everyone
gets ripped off' for about $20.

When you actually go phreaking you plug the phone into the 'beige box' we
just made up (like you would normally plug the phone into the wall)

----=(hOW tO fIND tHE bEST pILL bOX tO pHREAK fROM)=------------------------

when you are walking home from school (if you don't go to school go for a walk
every night) look at every single pill box on the way home and when you see
one look around to see how close it is to the house and if there are any thick
bushes around it for hiding in/under.

Never pick one while you are new to this that is on a main street!

The best sight to phreak from is on a little street that is really dark at 
night and has heaps of trees in it.  its good if the trees are in front of 
the house so it makes it hard for people in the house to see you if they look
out the window. a bush beside the pill box is good as you can hide behide it,
so no cars that might go past can see you easily.

here is a birds eye view of a good sight..

--|       : **    |------------------|
  |       : **    |                  |
  |       : **    |                  |                    ####
  |       : **    |                  |                    ####  TREES
  |       : **    |                  |                    ####
  |       : **    |      HOUSE       |                    
  |       : **    |                  | 
  |       F **    |                  |                    %     PILLBOX
  |       E **    |                  |
  |       N **    |                  |
--|       C **    |------------------|                    ****
          E **                                            ****  BUSH/SHRUBS
          : ** 
          : **
          : **     ####   ####  ####                      $$
          : **     ####   ####  ####                      $$    YOU (HEHE)
          : **     ####   ####  ####                  
          : **           
          : ** $$   
          : ** $$                           
          : % ************************ 
          :   ************************

This kind of setup is hard to find but when you do you will be laughing!

Once you think you have found your ideal setup, every day for about a week
when you are walking home look at it and think of all the ways you can be
seen. Also think of how you might get caught from there if the pigs or Tele-
scum decide to drive past. if you think of too many wayz then find another

Once you have found the perfect/good spot you have done most of the hard work.

----=(wHEN iS iT bEST tO gO pILL bOXING?)=----------------------------------

Night time of course.  Pick a night that is right for you ie: warm, no wind
etc You can feel if it is a good night for you or not.  Once you have choosen
a good night, you should go out and do your stuff between these hours 1am-4am,
these are the best as most people are in bed asleep at this time, and they 
won't be on the phone or likey to pick it up and find some dudez on there
line and phreak out!

----=(oN tHE nIGHT oF mISCHIEF!)=-------------------------------------------

just before you leave get a bag and put your :-)

* beige box
* phone
* paper & pen
* some phone numbers (contactz, o9oo's etc)
* philipshead screw driver
* flathead screw driver
* 7/16 inch hex driver (allen key)
* craft knife
* tourch of course!

into the bag and now we are ready to jump out the window or something.

----=(oNCE yOU hAVE eSCAPED!)=----------------------------------------------

take a nice walk to your selected site to do the phreaking from and jump 
into/under/behind the bushes where the pill-box is in reaching distance.

use the philipshead/flathead/hex key to unlock/undo the pillbox, if you are 
lucky most of them aren't screwed down so you can just rip the tops off em 
so you can see the wirez. 

what a fucken mess! there are hundreds of wirez! hahaha well i will tell ya
how to connect your beige box to the right ones!

----=(wHICH wIREZ dO i cONNECT tHE bEGIE bOX tO!!)=-------------------------

ok look in between the wirez for a black cable which is about 5 mm thick.
there will be big black cables about 15 mm thick as well, but these aren't
the ones we will use!

once you have found a 5 mm thick cable (there could be only one or 3-4 of
them but anyone will do!) look at the top of it were the 1mm wirez are coming
out of it.

there should be a total of 4 wires coming out the top of it and these will
be wired in pairs ie:  2 out of the 4 wirez will be connected together with
a clear plastic cap, and the other two will also be connected with a plastic

here is an example of what i mean:-)

here is a sectional diagram.. which is easier to understand

   .---. .---.
   |   | |   |  <- these are the clear plastic caps
   `---' `---'        
    | |   | |      
    | |   | |     
    | |   | |  <- they are the 1mm wires, which are wired in pairs  
    | |   | |   
    | |   | |   
    | |   | |    
    | |   | |    
    | |   | |  
  |           |
  |           |  <- this is the 5mm thick cable
  |           |
  |           |
  |           |
  |           |    
  |           |

here i drew a picture in a paint proggy and converted it to an ascii

  @@@@@@      @@@@@@
  @@@@@@      @@@@@@
  @@@@@@      @@@@@@        @@@@@     
   OO00      +++***         @@@@@   these are the clear platic caps
   OO 00   +++ **           @@@@@  
   OO 00  ++   **           @@@@@ 
   OO 00 ++   ***
    OO 00++   ***
    OO  0++   **        OO and 00   are the 1mm paired wirez  
    OOO 0++  ***
     OO 00+ ***         ++ and **   are the other 1mm paired wirez
      OO00+ **
       O00+**           #########  
       O00+**           #########
      ########          #########   5mm thick cable!
      ########          #########
      ########          #########

check out the gif picture included in the ToT archive!

now once you have found a cable like this you will need to cut some insulation
off both of the paired wirez to expose the metal/wire, the best way to do this
is to use the craft knife and slice a section out.  I mean, cut some plastic
insulation off the OO or 00 wire (the OO and 00 wirez are represented in the
above diagram), only strip one of the wirez. It doesn't matter which one as
they are both connected together with that clear plastic cap. also only cut 
about 1cm strip off the wire (just enough to put the aligator clip onto) as 
shown below.

                        Exposed wire after  ---.
                        plastic has been       |
                        stripped!!             |
                .--> ___________________      \_/     _____________________
                |                       \            /
                |    - - - - - - - - - --\----------/-- - - - - - - - - - - 
   Plastic   ---+     Copper Wire         \________/ 
   Insulation   |
                |    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
                `--> ______________________________________________________

Now strip some insulation off the other set of paired wires.

----=(cONNECTING tHE bEGIE bOX tO tHE cABLE)=-------------------------------

if you haven't already guessed you clip one of the aligator clips onto one of 
the paired wirez and the second aligator clip to the other paired wire.

make sure you have the phone plugged into the beige box and then pick the 
handset (phone) up and listen to see if you have a dial tone.  if you don't 
just hang the phone up and then pick it up again (ie: a hook-flash)  and 
listen to see if you have a dial tone.

still no tone???? well all you need to do is swap the aligator clips around!

make sure that the aligator clips aren't touching each other once connected
otherwise you will get heaps of static down the line.

NOTE:  if you still don't have a dial tone after you have swapped the wires 
       around and done a hook-flash then goto another pillbox as for some
       strange reason it could be fucked!  

       you have got serious problem if you still don't get a tone from 
       another pill-box!  if this happens check the connections in the beige
       box and check to see is you have connected the aligator clips on to 
       the exposed metal of the wire properly.

----=(oNCE yOU hAVE a dIAL tONE)=-------------------------------------------

eNJoY!!!!!  remember only use it for a maximum of 10 minutes just in case some 
neighbours happen to look out the window and see someone fucking around with 
the pillbox and they might happen to ring the pigs/telecum, and you don't want 
to get snapped on your first time!!!

i know someone who got caught because he had been on the pillbox for over 1/2 
an hour and the owners of the phone line picked the phone up (at 2am in the 
morning) to use it and they found him on the other end talking to one of his 
m8's.  they hung the phone up and looked out the window to see a human figure
cruching beside a bush and the husband went out side and nearly bet him up
while the wife called the cops around!

he was quite lucky as he only had to pay the $150 bucks worth of toll callz 
and had to write a written apology to the owners!

----=(tHiNGS tO dO!!)=------------------------------------------------------

1)  use the line to keep in touch with contactz for free... if you know how to 
    blue-box or something, save the blueboxing for the modem callz and use 
    pill-boxing to keep in vox (voice) contact with them.

2)  ring up your enemy / telephone operator etc. and abuse and/or sexually 
    harass them.  if telco decides to trace the call you don't get in trouble
    but the owners of the phone-line will! hehehehe 

3)  i don't reckomend that you ring up 111 and make false reports, as this is 
    fucken stupid becuase while a few amblances/cops etc are racing off to a
    bullshit call some other REAL call might come in and there migth not be 
    enough cops/fire/ambulance units around to save them and it would be all
    your fault if someone died!!!!!!!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!

4)  if you are lucky enough to have a laptop use that and your modem to make 
    big expensive overseas callz.

5)  anything you want / ever dream of that you wouldn't dear do on your own
    phoneline from the fear of being traced!!!

----=(pHUQ'iNG eMEMIES oVER)=-----------------------------------------------

has someone really pissed you off and you want to get back at them???? i mean
do you really want to fuck them over????  well i'll tell you how to do this!!

eRR umm... due to the fact that Hype wanted to release ToT i have to leave 
this section out! but don't worry you should have had enough pratice to be
able to do it when i release aDVANCED pILLBOXiN in the next issue of T.o.T

----=(tHE eND)=-------------------------------------------------------------

well that is it for this part for the complete lamers guide to pillboxin and
look out for advanced pillboxing which will feature...

rewiring the pillbox
fucking people over badly!
pillbox fun (what to do if you get thrown out of a party early!)

see ya l8r...

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