TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Beige & Taps :: razz.txt

Razz BOX - tap your neighbor's line without them knowing it

 |                                                                         |
 |                     A Crime Ring G-File Production                      |
 |                          __                __                           |
 |                         |__| The Razz Box |__|                          |
 |                                                                         |
 |                          Written by The Razz                            |
 |                                                                         |
 |                     -:+ Released by The Magnet +:-                      |
 |                                                                         |
 | Magnetic Field Elite.....Private Bulletin Board System.....312-966-0708 |

        So you want to be James Bond eh? So you want to be a private eye eh.
Well here's your chance to pick up some very important clues or ideas using
your neighbors telephone line. Forget about climbing a telephone pole this sort
of boxing can be done on the ground.


        To tap your neighbors line without your neighbor knowing it. You can
also make FREE (let me repeat that) FREE!! Phone calls to your favorite


1. Line Man's headset (no you can't buy one that's why we're making one you
2. Alligator clips (clips is Plural so you need Two)
3. A phone (preferbly one of those one piece kind that like the ones with the
   numbers and the thing the hangs up on the ONE phone piece)
4. A Telephone wall jack box or whatever they're called
5. Some green and some red wire (Jus has to be 2 different colours)
6. Some intelligence (very Much needed) (Yeh Rite)


        First hook up your one piece phone to the wall jack box. Then take the
alligator clips and attach red wire to one and green wire to the other one. You
should have 2 alligator clips with wire attached. Now strip the wire and open
the Wall jack box you have and attach the red wire with the red screw on the
box and the green wire with the green screw on the box. Your stuff should look
like this.

        |  ...  |  <--one peice phone
        |  ...  |               __________________
        |       |              |                  |   <--oversize box to show
        |  123  |              |   (*)r---  (*)b  |      the detail
        |  456  |             _|         |        |
        |  789  |      ()()()|_          |        |
        |  *0#  |     ()       |    ---- |        |
        |  ...  |    ()        |   (*)g| |  (*)y  |
        |_______|   ()         |_______|_|________|
             ()    ()                  | |
             ()   ()     green wire--> | |  <--Red Wire
              ()()                     | |
                                       | |

/ Green wire Alligator clip
//Red   Wire Alligator Clip

Using Your newly made device:

        Now that you have made or created your little Razz Box then you are
ready to go outside and do your stuff. First go to a neighbor's house and find
the black telephone wires. They should look like Example #1. Then cut off a bit
of the plastic covering so the alligator clips go in easier and you now stick
the alligator clips one on the right and one on the left side of the plastic
wire as shown on the diagram. The Black plastic wire should look like the
diagram. You should get a dialtone. If you do not then switch the alligator
clips around till you do. Remember your neighbors can hear you as well so get
one of the phones with the MUTE option so you can plug into theres quietly.

       | || |
       | || |
       | || |  <<<----black wire
       | || |
        /|//  <<<---alligator clips.
       | || |
       | || |

        I as writer of this file take no responsibility at all (And I repeat
NO RESPONSIBILITY) of this file. This File is ONLY for informational purposes

If you have any question, suggestion, or correction, you can contact The Razz
or me, The Magnet, at any of the boards listed at the end of this file.

                         Copyright [12] Nov, 1988
                            -:+ The Magnet +:-
                         Crime Ring International
                                 The Razz

 [:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:]Call These Elite Boards![:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:]
 [:] Magnetic Field Elite...................................312-966-0708 [:]
 [:] Aardvark's Burrow......................................312-434-0370 [:]
 [:] Blue Knight............................................312-249-4385 [:]
 [:] Fed's Reunion..........................................312-676-3430 [:]
 [:] Information Station....................................312-498-1362 [:]
 [:] International Connection...............................312-763-9001 [:]
 [:] Stone Ship BBS.........................................312-772-0347 [:]
 [:] The Challenger.........................................312-827-3097 [:]
 [:] The Courts of Chaos....................................312-915-0947 [:]
 [:][:][:][:][:][:][:][Tell the Sysops I sent you!!][:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:]
            //               The PIRATES' HOLLOW                 //
            //                  415-236-2371                     //
            //         over 12 Megs of Elite Text Files          //
            //                  ROR-ALUCARD                      //
            //             Sysop: Doctor Murdock                 //
            // C0-Sysops: That One, Sir Death, Sid Gnarly & Finn //
            //                                                   //
            //    "The Gates of Hell are open night and day;     //
            //     Smooth is the Descent, and Easy is the way.." //
  Distributed in part by:

   Skeleton Crue  415-376-8060  located out of Moraga, California.
         !!Get on the band wagon before it RUNS YOU DOWN!!
The very LAST bastion of Abusive Thought in all of the Suburbian West Coast...

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