TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Beige & Taps :: tennisbx.txt

Beige Box Interest: Accessory to make beige boxing easier on older houses

#                                                   #
# How to build the Tennis Box                       #
#                                                   #
#               By Esquire           Special Thanx: #
#                                         Hunter    #   
#                                                   #
       Well, by now you're probably wondering, "What the hell is the 
Tennis Box?"  It's a nifty little invention that I thought up of (don't 
get me wrong, someone else may have done it before me & just never got
around to writing it up, or have it under another name).  The Tennis Box is
used in conjunction with the Beige Box, or linesman's set.  It was designed
for use with houses & buildings that did not upgrade to telco standards of
putting the network interface (that grey or tan box where you Beige Box from
)on the outside.  Most older houses have them installed in the basement.                                               
And oh yeah, don't worry, it doesn't require any electronics expertise.

What you need:
Network interface
Wooden ruler or paint stirrer
Coupla screws
Tennis ball tube (Hence, the name)
2 alligator clips
Beige Box

1) First things first: Go rip off a network interface box.  Hunter & I got 
   ours from a payphone that the asshole telco removed, but forgot to remove 
   the box.  Seems like they were asking for it, huh?

2) Open up the interface box and CAREFULLY remove ALL of the components.
   You can junk the thick copper grounding wire, unless you plan to box in
   a lightning storm.  You can also scrap the orange wire and the white 
   wire that goes vertical to it on the brass connecting posts inside the

3) Now cut the ruler so that it fits inside the tennis ball tube with the
   lid on and make sure it doesn't rattle around.  Attach the interface box
   components that you removed to the ruler using screws.

4) Finally, poke 4 holes in the lid for the red, green, blue, and white 
   wires.  Strip about a 1/2 inch off of the red and green wires so you can
   attach your Beige Box.  Attach the two alligator clips to the blue and
   white wires.  Note how it sorta looks like the Manhattan Project.

How to use your Tennis Box:

    Now for the fun part.  Go to your victim's house and find the telephone 
wire that runs from the pole to their house.  Slice off a piece of the black
insulation wire and slice off a piece of the blue wire too.  Now here comes
the hardest part of the whole damn project: finding the right white wire.
You have a 50% chance of getting the right one the first time.  Connect
your Beige Box to the Tennis Box and the blue alligator clip to the blue
wire first. Then test your white wire.  If you don't hear a dialtone, 
then you picked the wrong white wire.  Switch wires and phreak away!!!
NOTE:  Don't completely cut the black pole wire if you want to eavesdrop on
       the party.  However, to phreak uninteruppted, cut the wire.  Make
       sure the party is not home or on vacation because it looks pretty
       suspicious to be suddenly cut off from all telephone service.

BTW, this file is written for informational purposes only.  The author is 
not, I repeat NOT responsible for anyway you might get screwed over for 
pulling this shit. (sorry, had to do it)

Have phun & phreak on!!!

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