This bulletin has been taken from the OSUNY files from 82/83 This bulletin will deal only with the basic contruction, troubleshooting and adjustment of the blue box. If you would like to know the specific job of a ny part in the circuit just write me a msg and I will be glad to answer it. We all know that the touch tones frequencies are composed of two tones (Two different freqs.) so t hat is the reason why we have 2 VCO'S ( Voltage controlled oscilators). We will call these VCO#1 and VCO#2. If you have noticed VCO#1 and VCO#2 are exactly the same type of circuits. That is why only one was drawn. But remember that whatever goes for VCO#1 also goes for VCO#2. Both VCO'S are composed of a handfull of parts. one chip two cap acitors 2 resistors and five potentiometers. All of this will give you (when properly calibrated) one of the freqs. necessary (the other one will come from VCO#2) for the operation of the BB. Both of these freqs. will be mixed in the speaker thus forming the required tone. This is one of the most sophisticated designs I have ever made. Why?. because other designs will drain the battery after 10 - calls! This design will make them last 10 months!!!!!!. But never the less don't forget to put in a switch for on and off. Ok let's build the two VCO'S and calibr ate the unit before we get to the keyboard contruction. VCO CONTRUCTION === =========== TOOLS REQUIRED 1 ocilliscope (recomended but not re quired) 1 Freq. counter (REQUIRED) 1 Volt meter " " " Electronics tools (Pliers,drill, screwdrivers, etc) PARTS R1 1.5K RESISTOR 5% R2 1K RESISTOR 5% C1 .1uf ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR 16V DC C2 .01uf ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR (MYL AR) 16VDC IC1 2207 VCO CHIP BY EXAR ELECTRINICS remember the above it is only for VCO#1 but the same goes for VCO#2. R3-R4 150 OHM RESISTORS 5% C3-C4 .1 uf ELECTROLITIC CAPACITOR 10VDC P1-P10 200K TRIMMER POT - 20 TURNS DIODES USED IN THE KEYBOARD ARE 1N914 TYPE (40 OF THEM) AND 13 SWITCHES FOR THE KEYBOARD SPST. MOMENTARY. SPKR= YOU CAN USE A TELEPHONE SPEAKER FOR THIS(IT WORKS BEST) BUT REMEMBER TO TAKE OUT THE DIO DE THAT IS CONNECTED ACCROSS IT. **************************************************************** IMPORTANT NOTES 1 DO NOT USE ANYTHING ELSE THAN A MYL AR CAPACITOR FOR C2 2 PINS 10,9,8 SHOULD BE TIED TOGETHER AND BE LEFT FLOATING. 3 ALL RESISTOR SHOULD BE 5%! NOTHING ELSE 4 A TELEPHONE SPEAKER GIVES THE BEST RESULTS ***************************************************************** TROUBLE SHOOTING By now you should have constructed the two VCO'S on a bread board or anything that please s you. Check for cold solder joints, broken wires, polarity of the battery, etc......... Before we apply power to the VCO'S we have to adjust the pots for their half way travel point. This is done by turning them 21 turns to the right and then 10 turns to the left. Do the same for all ten of them. Now apply power to the unit check to see that you have power in the chips by putting the positive lea d of your volt meter on pin 7 and the negative lead on pin 12 . If you don't have anything there turn off the unit ant REC HECK THE WIRING. When you get the right voltages on the chips, connect a diode to a piece of wire (look at fig. 2 for the orientation of the diode) from ground to any pot at point T (look carefully at the schematic for point T it is label ed T1-T10 for all pots) You shold be able to hear a tone, if no t dissconnect the lead and place the speaker close to your ear and if you hear a chirp like sound, this means that the two VCO' S are working if you don't, it means that either one or both of the VCO'S is dead. So in this case it is allways good to ha ve an ocilloscope on hand. Disconnect the speaker from the circuit and hookup the ocilliscope to one of the leads of the speaker and t he ground from the scope to the ground of the battery. Connect ag ain the ground lead with the diode connected to it from grou nd to any pot on the VCO that you are checking and you should see a triangle wave if not turn the pot in which you are appl ying the ground to until you see it. When you do see it do the the same for the other VCO to make sure it is working. (a mplitude is about 2VAC) When you get the two VCO'S working you a re set for the adjustment of the individuals pots... ADJUSTMENT Disconnect the speaker from the circu it and connect a freq. counter (the positive lead of the counte r to one of the speakers leads that belongs to VCO#1 or connect i t to pin 14). Connect the negative lead to the batt ery negative and connect the jumper lead with the diode f rom ground to pot number 1 T1 .( The first pot number 1 point T1) If you got it working you should hear a tone and get a reading on the counter. Adjust the pot for a freq. of 1700hz and continue doing the same for pots 2-5 except that they get d ifferents freqs. P1= 1700hz P2= 1300hz P3= 1100hz P4= 900hz P5= 1500hz Now disconnect the freq. counter from t he speaker lead of VCO#1 or from pin 14 (which ever you had it attac hed to at the beginning) and connect it to the speaker lead of VCO#2 or to pin 14 of VCO#2 and perform the same adjustments to P6-10. P6= 1100hz P7= 700hz P8= 900hz P9= 2600hz MAGIC NUMBER!!!!! P10= 1500hz When you finish doing all of the pot g o back and recheck them again. KEYBOARD If you look at fig-2 you will see that the keys are simple switches connected to ground and two diodes on th e other end. These diodes are used to simplify the construction of the keyboard because otherwise the distribution of the ground signal fo r both VCO'S would have been done mechanically. One diode will go to VCO#1 and the other will go to VCO#2. Fig-3 shows the arrangement of th e keys on the keyboard. Below is a table that will hel p you connect the keys to required VCO'S pots. TO TO FREQ OUT FREQ OUT KEY POT ON VCO1 POT ON VCO2 PIN 14 VCO1 PIN 14 VCO C 1 6 1700 1100 0 2 10 1300 1500 E 1 10 1700 1500 1 4 7 900 700 2 3 7 1100 700 3 3 8 1100 900 4 2 7 1300 700 5 2 8 1300 900 6 2 6 1300 1100 7 5 7 1500 700 8 5 8 1500 900 9 5 6 1500 1100 X - 9 ---- 2600 **************************************** ******************************* * REMEMBER THAT FIG-2 IT IS THE SAME FOR EACH KEY EXCEPT THE "X" WHICH* * ONLY TAKES ONE DIODE. * **************************************** ******************************* As a final word you can build this in any type of enclosure and should never be used to make free ca lls using the telephone lines. I hope this bulletin will clear a ny question you may had on the blue boxes. If you have any question please leave me a msg. and I will be very glad to answer it. TXS MR. AMERICA Ps. I would like to thank my keyboard, my fingers, and me for helping me write this bullettin. Without their help I would have never finish this project.