TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes Blue, Green :: blue_cat.txt

Here's how you use a Blue Box

                                             Presented       /|_|\
                                             by             < , , >
                                             Explorer        =(^)=
                                             Cat 033           ~

 Here's how you use a Blue Box:

     Dial  a  number where when you blow a 2600hz tone it drops trunk  (gives  a
click  and a operater's line to dial).  Now operaters don't dial in normal tones
like you are used to...they dial in whats called Multi Frequency Tones (MF tones
as  to the standard DTMF tone of your phone).  Anyways,  once you have drop  the
trunk line all you need to do is dial in MF...

     To  start  a call you hit "kp" (key pulse foward) tone then the number  you
wish to dial and then "st" (stop) to finish dialing and start routing.  Now with
that  in mind you can dial any number a normal phone would handle (in  the  same
way). But you can also dial different operators and services thanx to AT&T.

     Here are some examples of what you may find if you dialed kp+213+PXX+st

 PXX      Effect
 101      LA 2 Toll switching
 117      Disconect
 121      213 Inward Op.
 131      Local Infermation
 162      DA (555-1212)
 163      Information
 167      818 DA
 181      Dial Assistance
182-188   Satalite Senders
 025      Spanish Traslater!

======BOX TONES======

=-= Blue Box =-=
 700!  1 !  2 !  4 !  7 !  11 !
 900!  + !  3 !  5 !  8 !  12 !
1100!  + !  + !  6 !  9 !  kp !
1300!  + !  + !  + ! 10 ! kp2 !
1500!  + !  + !  + !  + !  st !

=-= White & Silver Boxes =-=
---   ---   ------
 1    697    1209
 2    697    1336
 3    697    1477
 A    697    1633
 4    770    1209
 5    770    1336
 6    770    1477
 B    770    1633
 7    852    1209
 8    852    1336
 9    852    1477
 C    852    1633
 *    941    1209
 0    941    1336
 #    941    1477
 D    941    1633

=-= Red Box =-=
Quarter = 5 B tones outpulsed at 12-17 pulses per second (PPS)
Dime    = 2 B tones outpulsed at 5-8.5 PPS
Nickel  = 1 B tone at 5-8.5 PPS
B tone is 2200hz + 1700hz
Use 0-959-1230 to tune up your Red Box!

=-= Green Box =-=
Coin collect = 700hz + 1100hz
Coin return  = 1100hz + 1700hz
Ring Back    = 700hz + 1700hz
Green Box tones must be sent with a single 2600hz wink for 90ms then a 60ms  gap
and then the appropriet signal for at lest 900ms.

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