############################################# --How to bluebox in the USA (the cheap way)-- ############################################# By: Jackass For: 31337 Phreaking This was wrote for all you people that constantly ask how to blue box it worked for me now make it work for yourself and stop asking how to blue box because right here is how its done. Ok first your going to need a blue box so you can either make one or download a phreaking program such as "winphreak" or "switchboard" I do believe these programs have MF tones that you can use for blue boxing. Now that you have your MF tones find some out of country toll free numbers unless you want to pay for the blue boxing which Im sure you dont. I think that numbers in China, Russia, Africa, and any other third country without ESS should work so just use trial and error and you should be just fine. A good way to get these numbers is to get ICQ instant messenger and find some out of country users and somehow con them out of some toll free numbers Im sure they know a few if not try again or search other sources the world is full of ways to get numbers. Well now you got a toll free number and your blue box heres how you do it. 1. Dial the number. 2. When the line is answered blast your 2600Hz tone into your phone. 3. Now that you have seized your trunk blast your KP tone into your phone. 4. Dial your number with the blue box. 5. Blast the ST tone into your phone. 6. When your done Blast the 2600Hz tone into the phone and repeat the process if you want if not just hang up. If all just went well you have blue boxed a call and you feel like the shit. YAY FOR YOU! Have fun and dont get busted. Contact me at jackass@skytelphreaks.com