TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes Blue, Green :: world5.txt

Blue Box Interest
Courtesy of www.phreak.ch C5 Worldwide Results List (from Switzerland)


		Made by Phunatic Phreak for Amitech Inc. 1991
Countryname		CC	Reaction
Ägypten			20	busy/none
Albanien		355	none
Algerien		213	none
Amerikanisch-Samoa	684	
Andorra			3362	none
Angola			244	busy
Antillen,NL		599	clears back itself?
Argentinien		54	clears back
Aruba			297	clears back
Äthiopien		251	none
Australien		61	none
Bahama			1809	none
Bahrein			973	none
Bangladesh		880	
Barbados		1809	none
Belgien			32	none
Belize			501	
Benin			229	beeps n busy maybe?
Bermuda			1809	none
Bhutan			975	
Bolivien		591	clears back
Botswana		267	
Brasilien		55	cl back
Brunei			673	may work
Bulgarien		359	none
Burkina Faso		226	check dis
Burundi			257	may work!
Cayman Isl.		1809	none
Chile			56	?
China			86	might work, clears back
Christmas Isl.		6724	
Cocos Isl.		6722	
Cook Isl.		682	strange beeps after clfwd
Costa-Rica		506	works almost??
Dänemark		45	guess none
Deutschland west	49	"
Deutschland ost		37	"
Djibouti		253	clears back
Dominikanische Rep.	1809	none
Ekuador			593	none
Elfenbeinküste		225	none
El Salvador		503	works 1a!
Färöer			298	none
Fidschi			679	
Finnland		358	?
Frankreich		33	keine
Franz. Guayana		594	
Franz. Polynesien	689	works almost!
Gabun			241	strange behavior but...?
Gambia			220	
Ghana			233	
Gibraltar		350	
Grenada			1809	none
Griechenland		30	?
Grönland		299	
Grossbrittanien		44	?
Guadeloupe		590	none
Guam			671	waiting...
Guatemala		502	works !!
Guayana			592	clears back
Guinea			224	reacts a lil'
Guinea-Bissau		245	clears after clfwd
Haiti			509	
Hawaii			1808	reacts 2400 clear?
Honduras		504	works perfect!
Hongkong		852	clears back
Indien			91	-562... works! -522 works! etc..
Indonesien		62	clears back
Inmarsat		87	
Irak			964	cl back
Iran			98	cl back
Irland			353	
island			354
Israel			972	some reaction
Italien			39
Jamaika			1809	none
Japan			81	wohl kaum...
Jemen			967	cl back after clfd
JemenII			969	reacts clback after clfd...
Jordanien		962	reacts almost
jugoslawien		38
Jungfern Isl.		1809	none
Kambodscha		855	
Kamerun			237	reacts somehow.clback after clfwd
Kanada			1418 etc
Kapverdische Isl.	238	cl back after clfwd
Kenia			254	
Kiribati		686	
Kolumbien		57	bad reaction
Komoren			269
Kongo			242
Korea S			82	clback
Korea N			850	
Kuba			53	clback
Kuwait			965	clback
Leeward Isl.		1809	none
Lesotho			266
Lettland		371
Libanon			961	clback
Liberia			231
Libyen			218
Luxemburg		352
Macao			853	clback
Madagaskar		261	
Malawi			265
Malaysia		60
Malediven		960	clback
Mali			223
Malta			356
Marianen		670	clback, 2400?
Marokko			212	
Martinique		596	busy
Mauretanien		222	may be
Mauritius		230	busy
Mayotte			269	no reaction
Mexico			52	works
Mosambik		258	busy
Myanmar			95	no reaction
Namibia			264	works no more?
Nauru			674	works no more?
Nepal			977	clears back
Neukaledonien		687	works
Neuseeland		64	works, no split
Nicaragua		505	timing problem!?
Niederlande		31
Niger			227
Nigeria			234
Norfolk Isl.		672	
Norwegen		47
Oman			968	cl back
Österreich		43
Pakistan		92	almost workin
Palau			680	cl back
Panama			507	not allowed foreign calls!!!!
Papua-Neuguinea		675	
Paraguay		595	clback
Peru			51	14222209 try dis clb after clfwd
Philippinen		63	
Polen			48
Portugal		351
Puerto-Rico		1809
Qatar			974	clback
Reunion			262	
Rumänien		40
Rwanda			250
Salomon Isl.		677	works no mo', no split
Sambia			260		
Saudi Arabien		966
Schweden		46
Senegal			221
Seychellen		248
Sierra Leone		232
Singapur		65	
Slowakische Rep.	42
Spanien			34
Sri Lanka		94
St. Helena		290
St.Pierre Miquelon	508	
St. Tome Principe	239
Südafrika		27
Sudan			249
Surinam			597	none
Swasiland		268
Syrien			963
Thaiti			689
Taiwan			886	clback after c fwd
Tansania		255
Thailand		66
Togo			228
Tonga			676	almost workin
Trinidad/Tobago		1809
Tschad			235
Tschech. Rep.		42
Tunesien		216
Türkei			90
Turks Caicos		1809
Tuvalu			688
Uganda			256
Ungarn			36
Urugay			598
USA			1...
Vanatu			678
Vatikanstaat		396
Venezuela		58	works fine
Ver. Arab. Emirate	971
Vietnam			844
Wallis/Futuna		681
Westsamoa		685	cl back
Windward Isl.		1809
Zaire			243
Zentralafr. Rep.	236
Zimbabwe		263
Zypern			357	

Micronesien		691
Palau			680
Mariana isl		670
Venezuela		58
Gibraltar		350

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