ˆÁÀ¤¤í“ˆÖÖ¡¼¡¼¡¼¡¼¡¼¡¼¡¼¡¼¡ÖÖ‡’ꤤ?!‡ ¤ The Bypass Box ¤ ¤ By: Thingg ¤ ¤ Nothingg@yahoo.com ¤ Û¡¼¡¼¡¡¼¡¼¡¡¼¡¼¡¡¼¡¼¡¡¼¡¼¡¡¼¡¼¡¡¼¡¼¡Û Now, i know you're saying, "What, is that the best you could come up with?" Well, this is basically a general article on what you can do with your home fone. But first, i'd like to share with everyone a neet trick i learned. 1. Push Ctrl-Esc (this should open the start menu) 2. Push Esc (this should close the start menu, but now it's selected) 3. Push Alt-{dash} (this should open a menu on your start button) 4. Push Alt-F4 (this should close the start button!) (It's great to do to ALL the computers in your school, they'll think they got a virus and get a professional to come in) To get it back reset the computer, and if theres no security thingy, just restart explorer. Now to the main point of this article. Ok so you've cracked open your ordinary Bell/AT&T/Lucent fone. Now what?! Well, you've got the keypad, the reciever, the jack for the wall, the jack for the reciever, and possibly a smaller brown memory board. What the hell are you sposed to do with this? Well, i've got four ideas. 1. Create a really cool handy Beige Box 2. Throw it at your little brother. 3. Make a Bypass Box 1. Ok, so what you do is find yourself a cigar box and some quality tape, although i recommend solder. From there open the cigar box and remove that pesky nail, for now. Take a long fone wire and strip it down, usually you only need the red and green wires, but you can use allofem if you want. Cut two holes, on opposite sides a little bigger than either of the two jacks you removed from the fone. KEEP THE PIECES OF CIGAR BOX YOU CUT OUT. Pop the jacks into the two holes that you just created. Solder 'em in good, or tape them. Solder/Tape everything else into the box in a nice corner, so you've got room, for whatever you want, like a good collection of l/d numbers, the telefone book's more interesting pages, a screwdriver, and a GIANT wire. With the cut out pieces, tape them over the jacks, so the box is inconspicous. Put the nail back in and rubberband it shut, with everything inside but the reciever, there...you have everything you need to beige, in a nice compact box! 2. Open it up, and seperate all the big parts from the small ones. Go get a fan and some shaving gel. When he's in his room, not paying attention, hide, and throw all the little pieces at him, 1 by 1. Put the fan, facing him, turn it on high, quickly spray shaving gel all over it. When he's cleaning up, chuck the fone at him and watch him cry. Then apologize, get another fone, and do it to the other brother. 3. Finally, we return to the point. Betcha never heard of a Bypass Box before. Well, i hate muted handsets on Bell fones, and there were no box plans, so i made my own. First off, i hate writing things other people wrote, so find your own redbox plans and, you guessed it, make one! Follow my plans up above for a cigar-box-beige box. This time keep all four wires when you strip the fone wire. Solder your redbox to the top of your reciever, and solder the speaker right next to the mouthpiece. Now you've got a Bypass "Red" box, or simply a Bypass box. Using it is easy, just tap into the payfone with the beige part of the box, and from there use the red box as you ordinarily would on a non- muted fone! That, is the best way to get around a muted Bell fone. Muted COCOTs you say? Easier! Just beige them! This works for most, if it doesnt work 'round where you live, email me, nothingg@yahoo.com PS If this box already exists, email me, and i'll give it it's rightful name and list it's creator's handle. If not, it was created by Nothingg, now don't forget that! -Nothingg -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-