TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Payphone (except red) :: piep.txt

Boxes for Payphones


                      Phreakers Information Exchange Point{ PIEP } 
                              By: Eric AkA TheCynical 
                                By: Dutch Phreakers 
                               Blacksun Research Faciltiy
                                    HTML by Mikkkeee 


Well, first i want to tell a few things about phreaking in this scription. Phreaker stands for 
Phone Freak (PH fREAK). You can call a phreaker a phone-hacker. There are many ways to phreak, 
there are boxes, cell phones, and much more.. phreak it out! But in this document i'll tell you 
about pay-phones and wich boxes you can use for your pay-phones. I'm not responsible for any 
damage that you can do with this text phile. Have fun with readin'! To dutch people: Groet'n 
oet drente 


Table of Contents 

-Red Boxing
-DTMF Tones
- At Last




Redboxing is a technique that you play tones by a pay-phone, you get more credits, so if you 
play the tones a few times, you'll get more money, so you can make free calls! A Pay-phone 
use DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequence) tones, you can generate DTMF tones with BlueBEEP, a 
very handy program written in Assembly. 

The phone-tones are like 2 beeps with a pause during 0.33 seconds. You have to find out 
that for yourself. Make sure nobody see's you. In some countries this doesn't work, 
because there aren't pay phones anymore.. 


Cheese boxing is a technique that you can turn your home-phone in a payphone. It's no big 
deal to do, the only thing you need is -- 

 - a braincell 
 - DTMF tones (BlueBEEP to generate them) 
 - A Line where you can do Call Forwarding 

Now you have to search for a intercept operator. You have to use a wardialer for this, or 
do some scanning. If you find one, let your phone forward to him. Now if you want to call, 
you have to use your DTMF tones, for the number you have to call. But i thought you can 
redbox a cheesebox. 

-DTMF Tones- 

In certain countries there aren't any pay-phones anymore. Because there was a new Signal 
System, SS7 (signal system 7). This is a digital system, so it wouldn't use DTMF tones 
anymore. The DTMF keypad was the first keypad there was for the mobile phone. Every 
pay-phone uses DTMF. 


Green boxing is a technique, that you can generate tones for coin returns, coin collects 
and ringbacks. But the only problem is, the tones must come from the called people, so 
they need the tones that you can make coin returns and coin collects. The tones for the 
green box for the amerikan network are : 

  Coin Collect      700 Hz  +  1100 Hz 
  Coin Return      1100 Hz  +  1700 Hz 
  Ringback          700 Hz  +  1700 Hz 


Aero-boxing is a technique that you can make free-calls with a pay-phone, if you connect 
the wires to the screws, you can make free calls, national and international. If you want 
to make an aero-box, you need the following stuff : 

  A Knife 
  A wires changer 
  A Scissor 
  A shaped screw for releasing and tightening the shaped screw on the 
    phone socket 
  A wire cutter 
  A Telephone 

Unscrew the metal box, or cut the pipe that is enclosing the phone lines. Now you'll see 
several wires, you need the two black wires, they're joined together. You have to seperate 
them with your scissor. Now you have to use your wire cutter, because you have to take 
a few centimeters off the copper wires on the both black wires. Now snap off all the 
other wares. Now unscrew the * screws, and then connect the copper wires to 
the * screws, goes like this 

                    || -- Black Wires
              |    /  \ ---- Black wires connecting to the * screws
              | * /    \ * |
              |            |
              | *        * |
              |            |
              |            |
              |____      __|
                   |     |

That's it! An Aero-box, you can make free-calls, national and international. 

- At Last...- 

Well uhm, i hope you learned from my text. If you have questions, just ask it and mail 
to eric2oo0@hotmail.com! My greets goes out to.. UDuckling, Jeffrey, Kay, NiKoN, D-Force, 
thatsmej, jackowacko, krydea, joram k., solid_snake, MosthateÐ, mAckAdELiC, Mikkkeee, 
CoulsoR, ASCII, kn00p, RTig, and especially PIEP 

Are you a lamer and want to try to test your e-mail bomber? Don't send it 
to me but to nielscorsten@hotmail.com 

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