TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Bridges (Gold, Brown etc) :: newgold.txt

Gold Box: New Gold Box - Join two lines, call one & get the other's dialtone

New Gold Box Plans

-Field Testing Work Done by The Pyro and Mr. Sinister

                       Written July 27. 1993

     A Gold Box is a most wonderful thing.  With about $5.00 in
parts and 30 minutes of soldering, you can effectively create
your own portable diverters.

Definition of a Gold Box-When linked across two telephone lines,
a Gold Box allows you to call one phone number and get the
other's dialtone.  This allows virtually untraceable

calling.  Simply hook it up to your favorite victims' phone
lines one night, go home and dial their number, and phreak all
night long at their expense.  As long as you remove the box
after you're done, there will be nothing left but a monstrous
phone bill.

For easier reading the schematics have been converted to GIF
format and can be viewed or printed using any standard GIF

PARTS LIST: (I've also included Radio Shack conversion #'s for
everyone's convenience)

2 - 2N3904 NPN Transistors (RS Cat#-276-2009)
2 - 10K Ohm Resistors (RS Cat#-271-1335)
2 - 1.5K Ohm Resistors (RS Cat#-271-025)
1 - 1.2K Ohm Resistor (RS Cat#-271-024)
2 - Red LED's (RS Cat#-276-033A)
2 - Photocells (RS Cat#-276-1657)
2 - Gator Clips
1 - 3" X 2" Circuit Board
1 - Nice little box to put it all in (About 3" X 2")

     The schematics are fairly straightforward, and if you can't
read a simple circuit diagram you probably shouldn't be on this
BBS to begin with so TAKE OFF LAMER!

NOTES: - Make sure that the LED's shine directly on the
         Photocells and that the box lets in no light.
       - You need only complete the first part of the circuit for a
         working Box, but whenever someone picks up the phone line, they 
         will hear a very faint dial-tone.

     Once the device is completed hook it up between two sets of
phone lines.  If you know the numbers, so much the better, if
not, use ANI to get them.  Go to the nearest unrelated phone
and call the number hooked up to Red 1.  You should hear a
dialtone.  ANI that number from where you are and it should be
the second phone line.  HAPPY PHREAKING!


-No ring is detected by the victim when you call his/her/its

-If they pick up the line they will hear nothing (A faint
dialtone if you only complete the first part of  the schematics)

-When the device is not in use, the person can use his phone
normally.  This is exceptionally useful when you hooks The Box
across two payphone lines.  Just scratch off the numbers on the
payphones so no one else can call.  Go home and call the
payphones, then when you get the first one's dialtone, Red Box
your way around the world!!  This method works exceptionally
well because as far as Ma Bell is concerned, that call was paid
for.  A Gold/Red combination like the above can be reliable
long-term method of Phreaking.  But PLEASE, PLEASE don't be
total idiot and call the payphones during the time when someone
might pick up the phone and report the loss of a dialtone to SW
Bell!!!  I believe doing this sort of a thing to a payphone is a
Federal Offense, so, naturally, this phile is for information
purposes only-Yeah, Right!

Live Long and Multiply! 

                                                        The X Man

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