From mars@frontiernet.spamhater.net Sun Mar 29 01:21:06 1998 Newsgroups: alt.phreaking Subject: Ultra G-9000 Box (New One) From: Mars <mars@frontiernet.spamhater.net> Date: 29 Mar 1998 09:21:06 GMT OK boys and girls, be ready to be blown away.... Itroducing the Ultra G-9000 Box!!! This little baby will increase your phreaking abilities 10,000 times over!! This is no hoax like some of those boxes out there (Blotto box). Lets get started. 1. Go get your extreme phreaking gear from that duffle bag you keep way back in your closet. 2. Take out your specially modified phreaker-phone, you know, the one with the red box and extra tones built in. 3. Unscrew the headpiece Now just think for a second, what would happen if you added a small speaker right where those two wires are coming into the headpiece? Yup, you guessed it, now you will be able to HEAR what someone on the other end of the phone is saying!!!! Is this sweet or what??? No more pranking people and hoping they get the joke about the refrigerator running, you can now hear them!!! But here's the hard part! The speaker (#313-31) you need is only available from Radio Shack, and their employees are trained to spot a phreaker on sight. So just act cool, remember all your social engineering, because you'll need it. Just pretend like you need something else, then casually ask them for speaker #313-31. Here's some sample conversation: Wrong Way: R.S. Guy - Hello, welcome to Radio Shack, How may I help you? You - Ummmm, Ahhh, do you have one of those, ummmm, speakers? R.S. Guy - What speaker would that be, I'll gladly show you all the speakers in the store, just look over here... You - Oh fuck, he's on to me, YOU'LL NEVER GET ME ALIVE! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! (At this time you swallow a small cyanide capsule) -This is the wrong way, because not only do you not get the speaker, you also take your own life. It'll help if you look older, so go in with a beer hat and a racing shirt on. Right Way: R.S. Guy - Hello, welcome to Radio Shack, How may I help you? You - Hey buddy, here's a twenty for yourself (wink,wink) R.S. Guy - Ohhhhh, interested in a 'special value'? You - Very (At this time he'll open a small case from behind the counter and take out a small package) R.S. Guy - Will this be all, friend? You - Yup See, its not that hard. Now after you've ran 13 miles homes with it under your coat and evaded the police, you are all set. SLOWLY take out the speaker, and VERY CAREFULLY place it into the opened headset. Now solder those two wires on, and you have completed the Ultra G-9000 Box! But you must test it now. Don't even think about using something this extreme on your own phone lines, so at 2:00 AM go down the street and biege off that old folk's house. If you HEAR the dailtone, success!!!! Now you can hear all you want to, so go prank OCI and actually listen to what she says when you yell something vulgar at her!!! This is almost as extreme and 31331 as the DeMerit Box. Why are you still reading you should be out phreaking with the Ultra G-9000 Box! This has been a production of: £ð®Ð m宧 Copyright 1998 Remove Spamhater in my E-Mail Address to E-Mail me! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Phreaking the Pheds - http://www.frontiernet.net/~mars =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Another Lame-Ass Phreaking Page!!!