TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Parodies :: zip.txt

Zip Box - somehow, you're supposed to be able to interface a Zip drive to your phone line


Yes the rumors are true, I have made a new phreaking box that works and it
is called the zip box. In this post I will explain the use of the box, the
materials needed , and the construction of the box. So grab some pistachios
and get ready to enter a whole new world of phreaking. -Texan

Introduction:  The zip box is a brand new box untill now impossible, one
because the service it exploits is brand new , two because the USB zip drive
just came out. Whats that? What does it do?... No No my friend you should be
questioning what does'nt it do. The brand new technology of the USB zip drive
takes advantage of a Ma-Bell service that we just found out existed. By
exploiting this service the zip box gives you ultimate control over any ones
phone line, Its like RCmac, Line Tapping, a beige box , and DATU put
together. The details of the box will be explained in full in the article so
read on.


I)Materials needed
III)Use and how it works
IV) Commands

I Materials needed:

1) USB zip drive (USB = Universal Serial Bus)
2) USB cords
3) DTMF tones (Dual Tone Multi Frequency Tones, the tones your phone plays)
4) Telephone cord
5) Two Alligator clips
6) Zip Disk
7) Wire Strippers

II Construction:

1) In this step you will transfer some phone tones(DTMF tones) to the zip
disk so go to a friends house or use you zip drive but get these tones on a
disk, try downloading a phreak program which has DTMF tones built into it or
just put them on your computer your self.THE NEXT STEP IS VERY IMPORTANT, IF
The tones will be separated by a comma. 5,5,5,7,7,6,8,*,5,#,5,*,5,0. Record
those tones in that exact same sequence THREE TIMES. Once you have completed
that place the disk into your Zip drive.

2) For this second step you will need the alligator clips the phone cord,the
USB cord,and the wire strippers. First of all cut off the connector from BOTH
ends of the phone cord and one end of the USB cord. Second strip the wires on
the phone cord so that the Red(Ring) and Green(Tip) are exposed on both
sides. Just like you are making a beige box. Now do the same to the Usb cord
except there will just be ONE larger wire in the middle in which you need to
strip. Now on the phone cord connect  each of the wires on one end to the
alligator clips. The last stage of this step is to connect the USB cord to
the end of the phone cord that does not have the alligator clips on it. You
can do this by twisting the phone wires around the stripped end of the USB
cord. This is what is should look like:  (1)  (5)  (4) (3)  ____>>>
[]]==============~~---------------___ >>> (6)  (2)

(1) Alligator Clips
(2) Stripped ends of the phone cord
(3) Phone cord
(4) Where USB cord and phone cord are twisted together
(5) USB cord
(6) USB Connector

3) Now for the completion of the Zip Box. Take the USB connector and connect
it into the USB port into the back of you zip drive, and dont worry about
power because once it is plugged in to a phone line it will have plenty of
power. Now get ready to roll.

III Use and how it works:

  Now that all systems are on go its time to be amazed. 1)This first usage
step is exactly like beige boxing. First off, You need to find you closet
neighborhood Bell terminal. Once found you need to open it up and clip in by
connecting the end of the phone cord with the alligator clips on it, to the
terminal. Be sure you connect the red wire on the phone cord to the Ring, and
the green wire on the phone cord to the Tip. If this is completed properly
then the yellow power-light on your zip drive should light up if not adjust
the alligator clips untill it does. 2) This is the step, where the technical
stuff happens its time for explaining.The Bell service that makes the Zip Box
possible is called ONCO(Omni National Call Operations). This service is a
very new and high tech service implemented by bell in late 1998, This service
is very fast reliable and allows linemen to do all their work under one
system. Although only a VERY FEW amount of places actually have their linmen
testing the service. They have activated the service in every part of the
country. Most Bell employees even dont know it exists. And the thing bell
likes about it the most is that it is very secure (except for this one glitch
they looked over)and secondly it is completely automated so they save a bag
of money.  To acsess this system one has to have a special box that sends
encrypted data pulses along the phone line and also DTMF tones. What you have
just constructed works exactly the same as the boxes those few linemen have.
The makings of the USB zip drive when connected to a phone line makes it send
the exact same frequency of pulses as the bell mechanism does,and the zip
disk makes the DTMF tones available. And the way you communicate with ONCO is
by pressing the eject button on the zip drive which sends and electric surge
throught the zip drive then onto through the phone line to our old friend
ONCO.Well enough explaining let me get to the usage part again.  Now that you
are connected to the bell terminal you need to connect to ONCO, you do this
by pressing the eject button on your zip drive SEVEN TIMES very rapidly.
After doing this you zip drive should start screaming and and blinking like
crazy for like 30 seconds, during this period in which it sounds like you zip
is about to blow up what is happening is that the Zip disk is being accses
and the dtmf tones are being sent over the line and played for ONCO.  After
the tones go through you know that ONCO excepted the tones if the light on
the zip drive is blinking very steadily and slowly.Your in, but if this does
not happen and the zip drive light just turned off completly it means that
ONCO has disconected you because you entered the wrong... so go back and
record them right.  Now the way ONCO gives and recieves commands is alot like
Mores code. You enter them through a series of punches on the eject button.I
will list all the commands here.The official name for the codes is ONCOCT
meaning Omni National Call Operations Code Transference, but the slang word
used in Bell Labratores is CotTalk(don't ask me why).

First of all...
If the command you entered was excepted by ONCO then the zip drive light will
Turn on for 3 seconds, if it was an unknown command the light will flash
rapidly six times.
Whenever you end a command you hold down the eject button for 9 seconds.

The First thing you do when on ONCO is enter the number you are wanting to
make changes too. The way you enter this number,(and dont forget the area
code)is to type it in a series of quick presses of the eject button the
amount of times that add up to that number, and after each number hold the
eject key down for 5 seconds and after you have entered the whole number you
should hold it down fro 9 seconds to show ONCO that it is the end of the
command. So say you wanted the nubmer to be 817-294-1353, the commmadn format
would be as follows:

<press> = one quick hit on the eject key
<*press> = the amount of seconds to hold down.

<press><press><press><press><press><press><press><press><press> <5 secpress>
<press><press><press><press><5 secpress> <press>
<5 secpress> <press><press><press> <5 secpress>
<press><press><press><press><press> <5sec press> <press><press><press> <press>
<9 second press>

(Yes i know the commands are primitive and unpractible but ONCO is in its
beging stage so once their technologies increase ill be there to make an
updated zip box, but that wont be till some time in the the next few years so
we'll have to go with this. Hey it works and its powerful so I wouldnt be

Now that you are in ONCO and you have the number typed in your ready to make

There in the range of 100 to 130 commands for ONCO,I will list about 12 of the
most used ones. But first im going to give you definitons for the codes Ol' Ma

CO(CallOut): Makes the line so that when dialed you will here a dial tone and
from their you can make a call to any where in the world.

CF(CallForward): Forwards the persons call to a designated number.

FFC(FeeFreeCalling): Makes the designated line stop recieving bills and
capable of making free calls whenever and where ever for free.

CS(CancelService): Cancels the service of the designated line.

MPP(MakePayPhone): Transforms the designated number into a payphone.

FT(FraudTarget): Puts a flag on designated numbers line saying that the owner
of the line is trying to rip off the phone company basicly, and all FT reports
are sent to the police so that person would be arested.

MOL(MakeOperatorLine): Tells the switch that the designated number is and
operator, so when people press '0' some of the calls should go to that line.

RC(Recieve Call): Makes the number only able to recieve calls and not to dial

DC(DialCall): Makes the selected number only able to dial out calls and not
able to recieve any.

LT(LineTap): Activates a tap on the designated line.

LR(LineRepair): Says that a lineman needs to be sent to the phoneline owners
house in order to make repairs.

CN(ChangeNubmer): Changer number to what you want it to be.

IV Commands:

CO: <press> <9secpress>

CF: <press> <press> <5secpress> ***Number*** <9secpress>

FFC: <press> <press> <press> <9secpress>

CS: <press> <press> <press> <press> <9secpress>

MPP: <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <9secpress>

FT: <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <9secpress>

MOL: <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <9secpress>

RC: <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press>

DC: <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press>

LT: <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press>
<press> <9secpress>

LR: <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press>
<press> <press> <press> <9secpress>

CN: <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <press>
<press> <press> <press> <press> <press> <5secpress>   ***number*** <9secpress>

*Note for CN(Change Number) and CF(Call Forward) you enter the number in the
same fashion i entered the earlier example.

The commands are pretty easy to Remember because of the pattern they are in.
You can also experiment with new commands by yourself. The commands usually
take effect within 10 minutes.

  That is all for the zip box right now i will be sure to make and update one
in future years. It works you just gotta put a little effort into gettin the
supplies and learning how to use the system. Also if any of you have an ONCO
docs ill be happy to take all i can get so send them to texanixi@hotmail.com.
Werd out.

Any Questions about the zip box or the ONCO sytem contact me:

AIM:        TEXAN31337
irc(EFnet): Texan
email:      Texanixi@hotmail.com

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shout outs
go to all my grewps, Baud Squad, League of Assasins, Phoot Clan, and Jiggas.

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