************************ * Red Box Dox * ************************ The Red Box Basically Simulates The Sound Of Coins Being Dropped Into The Coin Slot Of A Pay Telephone. A Pay Telephone Generates A Burst Of Two Mixed Frequencies, 1700 Hz And 2200 Hz, For A Specfic Time Interval To Denote A Nickle, Dime, Or Quarter. A Nickle Is 1700 Hz + 2200 Hz For 66 Milliseconds. A Dime Is 1700 Hz + 2200 Hz For 66 Ms On, 66 Ms Off, Then 66 Ms On Again. Finally, A Quarter Is 1700 Hz + 2200 Hz For 33 Ms On, 33 Ms Off, Continuosly Repeating For 5 Times. When Using A Red Box On A Pay Phone, First Deposit A Real Nickle (Becuase They Can Tell If The First One Is A Real One Or Just A Tone.) Diagram #1: (A) ------------------------------------- D 1 2 3I 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 K S / / / / / / / / / / / / / -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. V V V V V V V V V V V V ---.-----.--------.---------------- - ------.--------.------------- - ---------.---------- - --------- ---.-- V V V V V V V V V V V V ----------------------------------- - ---.-----------------------.----- - ---.--.-------------------- - ---.--.--.-----.--- ------------------------------------- - Diagram #2: ---700--- (B) ------- (C) ---900--. ---2 10--(-- --1100--.-----.-4 11-----.-- --5 --1300--. 12-//-- V --1700-- -- 6 (D) 78 <--25K Pot. ---900-- (A) ------- - --------. ---///--- 1100 (E) --------.---- 1300 (*) --------. ------- 3 <--Op-Amp --2600--- (A)--7 -----4 V -2 (*)25K Pot. Should 6 Be The Same ------ As The One To -----. The Above Right. Both Go To Pin 3 Of The Op-Amp. ( (G) -)- (H) (- V Diagram #3: (J) (I) ------------ ---. 1 V 2--.-- +10V --(//-.3 / (K)(M) ----- ) -------- (L) Diagram #2 Should Connect To The Right Of Diagram #1, My 40 Character Display Requires I Cut It Off Here. If You Cut A Printout Of #2 Out And Place It To The Right Of #1 They Should Match Up Perfectly. Diagram #3 Is The Schematic For The Power Supply. 1 And 2 Of Course Are The Box Itself. Note: -.- --- These Wires These Wires Connect. Don'T. Legend: (A) +10 Volt (This Is Where The Power Supply Connects To The Box.) (B) 8038 Ic (C) .010F Mylar Cap. (D) 82K Res. (E) 100K Res. (F) 741 Op-Amp (G) 8 Ohm Speaker (H) 100F Capacitor (/) Spst Mom Cont No Pushbutton Switch (V) 1N914 Diode (I) (2) 9V Batteries (J) Lm317T (K) .010F Capacitor (L) 470 Ohm Resistor (M) 3.3K Resistor (V) To Ground Parts Description: (A) Connect The Output From The Power Supply Here. (B) 8038 Waveform Generator (C) .010F Mylar Capacitor (D) 82K Resistor (You Will Have To Use 2 Or More In Series.)(Resistence Is Additive In Series.) (E) 100K Resistor (5% Is Best.) (F) 741 Op-Amplifier (G) 8 Ohm Speaker (H) 100F Capacitor (I) 2 9V Batteries In Series (J) Lm317T Voltage Regulator (K) .010F Capacitor (L) 470 Ohm Resistor (M) 3.3K Resistor (/) Single-Pole Single-Throw Momentary-Contact Normally-Open Pushbutton Switch. (V) 1N914 Signal Diodes Radio Shack Parts Numbers: (B) 276-2334 (C) 272-1065 (E) 271-1347 (F) 276-007 (H) 272-1065 (J) 276-1778 (K) 272-131 (L) 271-019 (M) 271-019 (/) 275-1547 (V) 276-1122 The Spot On The Diagram That Has 700, 900, Etc. Should Be Filled In With A 25K Multi-Turn Potentiometer (Variable Resistor). The 15-Turn Pot From Radio Shack (#271-340) Will Work If A 1/4 Watt, 5%, 5K Resistor Is Put In Series. The Easiest Way To Tune The Box Is To Play Both It And A Sample Of The True Sound Together, Then Adjust The Box Until Only 1 Note Can Be Heard. As Inaccurate As This Sounds, This Is More Than Accurate Enough For The Fone Company. The Apple With An Apple Cat Modem, The Atari, The Commodore, And The Texas Instruments Can All Generate The Needed Tones. These Plans Are Based On A Set Of Plans I (Ford Prefect) Received Two Years Ago. They Were Almost Illegible And The Power Supply Included Outdated Parts. The Total Cost Is Slightly Above $50 But When Properly Assembled It Will Work Perfectly. (These Plans Have Been Field Tested!)